English 10
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Infer character motive and compare characters from Antigone. Analyze a classic Greek drama and examine its text features. Practice effective oral performance. Objectives
1.Polyneices is left _______________. 2.Etocles is __________________ with honors. 3.Creon will likely be ________ with Antigone for __________ her brother. 4.Haimon is Antigone’s _________ and _______ (ew). Quick Review
Prologue Antigone: daughter of Oedipus (feisty) Ismene: daughter of Oedipus (quiet) Chorus: elders of Thebes Choragos: leader of the Chorus
Let’s Read! Prologue ( ) Study Guides! Springboard !
Indirect Characterization S peech: What does the character say and how? T houghts: What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts or feelings? Why would this be hard to identify in a drama? E ffects on others: How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the characters? A ctions: What does the character actually do? How do they behave? L ooks: What does the character look like? How do they dress?
Characterization Direct characterization: tells the audience/reader what the personality of a character is Indirect characterization: shows things that reveal the personality of the character to the audience/reader (S.T.E.A.L.) Video 1.Describe Regina George based on the clip. 2.Describe the birds based on their actions in the clip. In notes
Direct: “Everyone is born with some special talent, and Eliza Sommers discovered early on that she had two: a good sense of smell and a good memory. She used the first to earn a living and the second to recall her life—” Indirect: “Tao instructed Azucena to braid Eliza’s long hair in a queue like his own while he went to look for a set of his clothes. They dressed the girl in cut-off pants, a smocked tied at the waist with a cord, and a straw hat like a Japanese parasol.” (Eliza seems to like to disguise herself). More examples:
Indirect Characterization Example Actions : Antigone is determined to bury her brother no matter what the punishment may be. Quote : Leave me my foolish plan: I am not afraid of the danger; if it means death, it will not be the worst of deaths-- death without honor. Character Trait : headstrong/ possibly foolish/ unafraid Your turn! Complete the chart on page 253 at the bottom.
Ode= lyric poem expressing the feelings or thoughts of a speaker, often celebrating a person, event, or thing. Paraphrase the ode. How do the chorus and chorus leader use imagery to establish different tones? What’s the purpose of the ode? Demonstrate understanding of an ode. ( )
Study Guide As always: DO NOT LOSE THIS! You will fill this out as we read Antigone.