Tutorials Lesson Rapid Changes & Slowly Changing
Vocabulary Deposit/deposition: when eroded earth materials settle in a new place. Erode/eroded/erosion: when weathered earth materials move due to wind, water or ice. Flow: the movement of material downhill due to the force of gravity Rapid: happening quickly, sometimes without warning Weather/weathered/weathering: the breaking down of earth materials into smaller pieces by moving wind, water, and ice. Delta : An area of deposited sediments caused when moving water meets a large body of water
What are rapid changes? The term “rapidly” refers to changes that are visible within hours, days, or weeks. Examples of rapid changes may include: Earthquake Volcanoes Hurricanes Landslides Floods tornadoes
video/environment/environment- natural- disasters/earthquakes/earthquake-101/ Earthquakes: within minutes, pressure released from friction between tectonic plates can suddenly result in weathering through abrupt landslides of rock and crumbling rock formations.
video/kids/forces-of-nature- kids/hurricanes-101-kids/ Hurricanes- these storms can cause severe beach erosion with their massive waves and forceful winds in a matter of hours.
video/environment/environment- natural-disasters/landslides-and- more/landslides/ Landslides: these occur when a large mass of soil or rock falls down a hill or mountainside due to the pull of gravity. They can also occur due to heavy rainfall over a period of time that causes supersaturated soil and gravity to quickly combine, forming a large flow of liquefied soil.
What are slow changes? Some changes to Earth’s surface happen slowly over time. The term “slowly” refers to changes that occur over decades or beyond the lifespan of a human being. Slow changes to Earth’s surface can be due to: Winds Running water Rivers Streams Glacial movement
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