Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Thursday, February 17,
Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Amen.
Memory Verse 1 Tim 1:5, “But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”
John 16:1-6 The Importance of Preparedness
John 16:6 Emotional Revolt of the Soul
“But because I have taught you these doctrines.” It both coordinates and contrasts with verse 5.
It continues the theme of the disciples being occupied with self, and contrasts the love for Christ they did not display, due to emotional revolt of the soul (sorrow in their heart).
Because of pre-occupation with self, the disciples’ sin natures are viewing these doctrines as something to fear rather than something to be rejoicing over.
Doctrine in your soul has ongoing results: Joy, if you have positive volition. It is always to our advantage to be taught by our Lord.
“Sorrow has filled your heart.” Sorrow = LUPE, “grief, sorrow, pain, distress, sad plight or condition.” (Mental Anguish)
This is mental anguish as a result of not having built an ECS and being oriented to the Plan of God. Therefore, there is shock, anguish, and distress.
This is letting the outward pressures of life become inward stress upon your soul due to negative volition, and not applying the Problem Solving Devices on the FLOT line of your soul.
Filled - PLEROO (Perfect, Active, Indicative) “to make full, to fill up, to complete, etc.”
Because of negative volition when hearing advanced doctrines it results in the disciple being completely filled with stress upon their soul.
You own the stress in your soul. It is yours. It is not Jesus’ stress but your own stress due to negative volition.
The heart (KARDIA) is the place of being filled with stress, the right lobe of your soul.
That is: You do not see a way to go on without something or someone because of your preoccupation with self, rather than occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ.
John 16:6, “But because I have said (taught) to you all these things, sorrow (inward stress) has completely filled your heart (right lobe of the soul).”
Principles of “Sorrow has filled your heart”
1. Jesus has clearly presented His death, burial, resurrection and ascension as a part of the Plan for the First Advent.
2. Negative volition toward the teaching of Christ results in mental pain and anguish.
3. Negative volition leads to disorientation in the time of crisis.
4. Instead of orienting to the Cross, the departure, the moving forward of the Plan of God, you associate some loss with catastrophe.
5. You do not rely on the principle of Romans 8:28. You do not have the reflected glory of an ECS.
6. With a void or deficiency of doctrine in your soul, you fill up that vacuum with mental attitude sins resulting in mental anguish of the soul.
7. Mental attitude sins must be displaced by Bible doctrine in the soul. This can only occur through the daily intake of doctrine.
Grace Fellowship Church Thursday, February 17, 2011 Tape # Emotional Revolt of the Soul Upper Room Discourse, Part 472 John 16:6; Rom 8:28 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2011