ASEXUAL and SEXUAL REPRODUCTION. Reproduction is the process of making offspring from one or two parents.


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Presentation transcript:


Reproduction is the process of making offspring from one or two parents.

There are two types of reproduction: sexual asexual.

Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction involves the union of gametes, egg and sperm, one from each of two parents. The offspring that result are genetically unique; they have a mixture of genes from both parents.

Sponges spawning

Asexual reproduction the creation of offspring from a single parent and does not involve the joining of gametes. Asexual reproduction occurs through mitosis. The new daughter cells are identical to the parent cell and to each other. mitosis parent

yeast In asexual reproduction, the offsprings that result are genetically identical to the parent and to each other … clones protist

asexual reproduction There are various types of asexual reproduction: Fission Budding Fragmentation Remember! They all produce offspring that are identical to the parent.

Bacteria can reproduce asexually by fission. binary fission Fission- the separation/division of a parent into two identical individuals. fission parent

Fission Protist (unicellular “plants and animals”) can reproduce asexually by fission.

This protist is reproducing asexually by fission.

The bud breaks off and becomes on independent organisms. Budding – a new organisms grows from the parent. bud parent A hydra

Examples of budding: hydrayeast

Fragmentation – the parent organism breaks into several pieces that can grow into new identical organisms.

Examples of organisms that reproduce by fragmentation: SpongesCorals Flatworms Starfish Linckia multiflora

Some plants can reproduce asexually. Plant fragments called cuttings grow into new plants. A potato can be cut into several pieces, and with the vegetative bud,“eye”, will grow into a new plant.

In some plants, the root system of a single parent gives rise to many shoots that grow into new plants. mint grasses strawberry runner

A group of 47,000 Aspen trees in the Wasatch Mountains in Utah, has been shown to be a single clone connected by the root system.