Introduction to US History Mr. Swofford
Activator 1.Find a seat any seat. When the bell rings I’ll put you in alphabetical order. 2.Go pick up a student info sheet next to the front door. 3.Fill out the student info sheet (WITHOUT TALKING) Reminder: Follow all directions Write in complete sentences This is a grade (It should be an automatic 100)
Folders Everyone should have a green folder with a name tag. Put your name on the tag and then slide it into its plastic holder.
Introduction to US History HANDOUT PAPERS: Syllabus Notes for Intro is on back of the student info sheet (to be turned back in)
Perspectives on US History Video 1:Video 2: Video 3: Your opinion:
Different views on US History
Major Policies NO FOOD Only water If you are not in your set when the bell rings you are tardy. Do not talk when I talk (you will have plenty of time to talk) Do not get up without asking (it is very distracting and annoying) I do not supply pencils for you. ID’s are required in order for you to go to the bathroom.
Grading Grades are based on the accumulation of points. Points are based on: Daily Quizzes Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Major projects, exams, and self-reflection. CriteriaPercentageDescription Tests40% Tests during the semester Major Quizzes 30% Quizzes during the semester Classwork 15% Consists of projects, daily notes, and participation Homework /daily quizzes 15%Homework or a daily quiz will be assigned 2-3 times a week
My Pledge to Students I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. I will work with you to meet learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.
Portfolio Cover Page Sheet of blank white paper Draw a picture that represents American History Make sure you put your name on the front and title it U.S. History. Make sure you use color DO NOT DRAW AN AMERICAN FLAG That is just plan lazy.
The End