Advances in Metric Embedding Theory Yair Bartal Hebrew University &Caltech UCLA IPAM 07
Metric Spaces Metric space: (X,d) d:X 2 →R Metric space: (X,d) d:X 2 →R + d( u,v)=d(v,u) d(v,w) ≤ d(v,u) + d(u,w) d(u,u)=0 Data Representation: Data Representation: Pictures (e.g. faces), web pages, DNA sequences, … Network: Network: communication distance
Metric Embedding Simple Representation: Simple Representation: Translate metric data into easy to analyze form, gain geometric structure: e.g. embed in low- dimensional Euclidean space Algorithmic Application: Algorithmic Application: Apply algorithms for a “nice” space to solve problem on “problematic” metric spaces
Embedding Metric Spaces Metric spaces (X,d X ), (Y,d y ) Embedding is a function f:X→Y For an embedding f, Given u,v in X let Given u,v in X let Distortion c = max {u,v X} dist f (u,v) / min {u,v X} dist f (u,v)
Special Metric Spaces Euclidean space l p metric in R n : Planar metrics Tree metrics Ultrametrics Doubling
Embedding in Normed Spaces [Fréchet Embedding]: Any n -point metric space embeds isometrically in L ∞ Proof. x y w
Embedding in Normed Spaces [Bourgain 85]: Any n -point metric space embeds in L p with distortion (log n) [Bourgain 85]: Any n -point metric space embeds in L p with distortion Θ(log n) [Johnson-Lindenstrauss 85]: Any n - point subset of Euclidean Space embeds with distortion (1+ ) in dimension ( - 2 log n) [Johnson-Lindenstrauss 85]: Any n - point subset of Euclidean Space embeds with distortion (1+ ) in dimension Θ( - 2 log n) [ABN 06, B 06]: Dimension Θ(log n) In fact: Θ * (log n/ loglog n)
Embeddings Metrics in their Intrinsic Dimension Definition: A metric space X has doubling constant λ, if any ball with radius r>0 can be covered with λ balls of half the radius. Doubling dimension: dim(X) = log λ [ABN 07b]: Any n point metric space X can be embedded into L p with distortion O(log 1+θ n), dimension O(dim(X)) Same embedding, using: nets Lovász Local Lemma Distortion-Dimension Tradeoff
Average Distortion Practical measure of the quality of an embedding Network embedding, Multi-dimensional scaling, Biology, Vision,… Given a non-contracting embedding f : (X,d X )→(Y,d Y ): f : (X,d X )→(Y,d Y ): [ABN06]: Every n point metric space embeds into L p with average distortion O(1), worst-case distortion Θ(log n) and dimension Θ(log n).
The l q -Distortion l q -distortion l q -distortion: [ABN 06]: [ABN 06]: l q -distortion is bounded by Θ(q)
Dimension Reduction into Constant Dimension [B 07]: Any finite subset of Euclidean Space embeds in dimension h with distortion [B 07]: Any finite subset of Euclidean Space embeds in dimension h with l q- distortion e O(q/h) ~ 1+ O(q/h) Corollary: Every finite metric space embeds into L p in dimension h with distortion Corollary: Every finite metric space embeds into L p in dimension h with l q- distortion
Local Embeddings Def: A k -local embedding has distortion D(k) if for every k -nearest neighbors x,y: dist f (x,y) ≤ D(k) [ABN 07c]: For fixed k, k -local embedding into L p distortion (log k ) and dimension (log k) (under very weak growth bound condition) [ABN 07c]: For fixed k, k -local embedding into L p distortion (log k ) and dimension (log k) (under very weak growth bound condition) [ABN 07c]: k -local embedding into L p with distortion Õ(log k) on neighbors, for all k simultaneously, and dimension (log n) [ABN 07c]: k -local embedding into L p with distortion Õ(log k) on neighbors, for all k simultaneously, and dimension (log n) Same embedding method Lovász Local Lemma
Local Dimension Reduction [BRS 07]: For fixed k, any finite set of points in Euclidean space has k -local embedding with distortion (1+ ) in dimension ( - 2 log k) (under very weak growth bound condition) New embedding ideas Lovász Local Lemma
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Metric Ramsey Problem Given a metric space what is the largest size subspace which has some special structure, e.g. close to be Euclidean Graph theory: Graph theory: Every graph of size n contains either a clique or an independent set of size (log n) Dvoretzky’s theorem… [BFM 86]: [BFM 86]: Every n point metric space contains a subspace of size (c log n) which embeds in Euclidean space with distortion (1+ )
Basic Structures: Ultrametric, k-HST [B 96] d(x,z)= (lca(x,z))= (v) (w)(w) (u)(u) 0 = (z) (w)/k (v)/k 2 (u)/k 3 (v)(v) xz (z)=0 An ultrametric k-embeds in a k-HST (moreover this can be done so that labels are powers of k).
Hierarchically Well- Separated Trees 11 11 11 11 11 22 22 22 2 1 / k 33 33 33 33 33 3 2 / k
Properties of Ultrametrics An ultrametric is a tree metric. Ultrametrics embed isometrically in l 2. [BM 04]: Any n -point ultrametric (1+ )- embeds in l p d, where d = O ( - 2 log n ).
A Metric Ramsey Phenomenon Consider n equally spaced points on the line. Choose a “Cantor like” set of points, and construct a binary tree over them. The resulting tree is 3-HST, and the original subspace embeds in this tree with distortion 3. Size of subspace:.
Metric Ramsey Phenomena [BLMN 03, MN 06, B 06]: Any n -point metric space contains a subspace of size which embeds in an ultrametric with distortion (1/ ) [BLMN 03, MN 06, B 06]: Any n -point metric space contains a subspace of size which embeds in an ultrametric with distortion Θ (1/ ) [B 06]: Any n -point metric space contains a subspace of linear size which embeds in an ultrametric with l q Õ [B 06]: Any n -point metric space contains a subspace of linear size which embeds in an ultrametric with l q -distortion is bounded by Õ(q)
Metric Ramsey Theorems Key Ingredient: Partitions
Complete Representation via Ultrametrics ? Goal: Goal: Given an n point metric space, we would like to embed it into an ultrametric with low distortion. Lower Bound: [RR 95] Lower Bound: (n), in fact this holds event for embedding the n-cycle into arbitrary tree metrics [RR 95]
Probabilistic Embedding [Karp 89]: The n -cycle probabilistically- embeds in n -line spaces with distortion 2 If u,v are adjacent in the cycle then If u,v are adjacent in the cycle C then E(d L (u,v))= (n-1)/n + (n-1)/n < 2 = 2 d C (u,v) E(d L (u,v))= (n-1)/n + (n-1)/n < 2 = 2 d C (u,v) C
Probabilistic Embedding [B 96,98,04, FRT 03]: Any n -point metric space probabilistically embeds into with distortion (log n) [B 96,98,04, FRT 03]: Any n -point metric space probabilistically embeds into an ultrametric with distortion Θ (log n) [ABN 05,06, CDGKS 05]: l q -distortion is Θ(q)
Probabilistic Embedding Key Ingredient: Probabilistic Partitions
Probabilistic Partitions P={S 1,S 2,…S t } is a partition of X if P(x) is the cluster containing x. P is Δ-bounded if diam(S i )≤Δ for all i. A probabilistic partition P is a distribution over a set of partitions. P is (η, )-padded if Call P η-padded if x1x1 x2x2 ηη ηη [B 96][B 96] = (1/(log n)) [CKR01+FRT03, ABN06]:[CKR01+FRT03, ABN06]: η(x)= Ω(1/log (ρ(x,Δ))
[B 96, Rao 99, …] Let Δ i =4 i be the scales. For each scale i, create a probabilistic Δ i - bounde d partitions P i, that are η- padded. For each cluster choose σ i (S)~Ber(½) i.i.d. f i (x)= σ i (P i (x))·d(x,X\P i (x)) f i (x)= σ i (P i (x))·d(x,X\P i (x)) Repeat O(log n) times. Distortion : O(η -1 ·log 1/p Δ). Dimension : O(log n·log Δ). Partitions and Embedding diameter of X = diameter of X = Δ ΔiΔi 4 16 x d(x,X\P(x))
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Uniform Probabilistic Partitions In a Uniform Probabilistic Partition η:X→[0,1] all points in a cluster have the same padding parameter. [ABN 06]: Uniform partition lemma: There exists a uniform probabilistic Δ-bounded partition such that for any, η(x)=log -1 ρ(v,Δ), where The local growth rate of x at radius r is: v1v1 v2v2 v3v3 C1C1 C2C2 η(C 2 ) η(C 1 )
Let Δ i =4 i. For each scale i, create uniformly padded probabilistic Δ i - bounde d partitions P i. For each cluster choose σ i (S)~Ber(½) i.i.d., f i (x)= σ i (P i (x))·η i -1 (x)·d(x,X\P i (x)), f i (x)= σ i (P i (x))·η i -1 (x)·d(x,X\P i (x)) 1.Upper bound : |f(x)-f(y)| ≤ O(log n)·d(x,y). 2.Lower bound: E[|f(x)-f(y)|] ≥ Ω(d(x,y)) 3.Replicate D=Θ(log n) times to get high probability. Embedding into a single dimension
Upper Bound: |f(x)-f(y)| ≤ O(log n) d(x,y) For all x,yєX : - P i (x)≠P i (y) implies f i (x)≤ η i -1 (x)· d(x,y) - P i (x)≠P i (y) implies f i (x)≤ η i -1 (x)· d(x,y) - P i (x)=P i (y) implies f i (x)- f i (y)≤ η i -1 (x)· d(x,y) - P i (x)=P i (y) implies f i (x)- f i (y)≤ η i -1 (x)· d(x,y) Use uniform padding in cluster
x y Take a scale i such that Δ i ≈d(x,y)/4. It must be that P i (x)≠P i (y) With probability ½ : η i -1 (x)d(x,X\P i (x))≥Δ i LowerBound:
Lower bound : E[|f(x)-f(y)|] ≥ d(x,y) Two cases: 1.R < Δ i /2 then prob. ⅛: σ i (P i (x))=1 and σ i (P i (y))=0 Then f i (x) ≥ Δ i, f i (y)=0 |f(x)-f(y)| ≥ Δ i /2 =Ω(d(x,y)). 2.R ≥ Δ i /2 then prob. ¼: σ i (P i (x))=0 and σ i (P i (y))=0 f i (x)=f i (y)=0 |f(x)-f(y)| ≥ Δ i /2 =Ω(d(x,y)).
Partial Embedding & Scaling Distortion Definition: A (1-ε)- partial embedding has distortion D(ε), if at least 1-ε of the pairs satisfy dist f (u,v) ≤ D(ε) Definition: An embedding has scaling distortion D(·) if it is a 1-ε partial embedding with distortion D(ε), for all ε>0 [KSW 04] [ABN 05, CDGKS 05]: Partial distortion and dimension (log(1/ε)) [ABN06]: Scaling distortion (log(1/ε)) for all metrics
l q -Distortion vs. Scaling Distortion Upper bound D c log(1/ ) on Scaling distortion: ½ of pairs have distortion ≤ c log 2 = c + ¼ ofpairsdistortion ≤ c log 4 = 2c + ¼ of pairs have distortion ≤ c log 4 = 2c + ⅛ ofpairsdistortion ≤ c log 8 = 3c + ⅛ of pairs have distortion ≤ c log 8 = 3c …. Average distortion = O(1) Wost case distortion = O(log(n)) l q - distortion = O(min{q,log n})
Coarse Scaling Embedding into L p Definition: For uєX, r ε (u) is the minimal radius such that |B(u,r ε (u))| ≥ εn. Coarse scaling embedding: For each uєX, preserves distances to v s.t. d(u,v) ≥ r ε (u). u r ε (u) v r ε (v) r ε (w) w
Scaling Distortion Claim: If d(x,y) ≥ r ε (x) then 1 ≤ dist f (x,y) ≤ O(log 1/ε) Let l be the scale d(x,y) ≤ Δ l < 4d(x,y) 1.Lower bound: E[|f(x)-f(y)|] ≥ d(x,y) 2.Upper bound for high diameter terms 3.Upper bound for low diameter terms 4.Replicate D=Θ(log n) times to get high probability.
Upper Bound for high diameter terms: |f(x)-f(y)| ≤ O(log 1/ε) d(x,y) Scale l such that r ε (x)≤d(x,y) ≤ Δ l < 4d(x,y). Scale l such that r ε (x)≤d(x,y) ≤ Δ l < 4d(x,y).
Upper Bound for low diameter terms: |f(u)-f(v)| = O(1) d(u,v) Scale l such that d(x,y) ≤ Δ l < 4d(x,y). Scale l such that d(x,y) ≤ Δ l < 4d(x,y). All lower levels i ≤ l are bounded by Δ i.
Embedding into trees with Constant Average Distortion [ABN 07a]: An embedding of any n point metric into a single ultrametric. An embedding of any graph on n vertices into a spanning tree of the graph. Average distortion = O(1). L 2 -distortion = L q -distortion = Θ(n 1-2/q ), for 2<q≤∞
Conclusion Developing mathematical theory of embedding of finite metric spaces Fruitful interaction between computer science and pure/applied mathematics New concepts of embedding yield surprisingly strong properties
Summary Unified framework for embedding finite metrics. Probabilistic embedding into ultrametrics. Metric Ramsey theorems. New measures of distortion. Embeddings with strong properties: Optimal scaling distortion. Constant average distortion. Tight distortion-dimension tradeoff. Embedding metrics in their intrinsic dimension. Embedding that strongly preserve locality.