Saskatch ewan
Saskatchewan: Profile Population 1,003,299 (October 2007) Aboriginal Population 13.5% 28 school divisions (161,261 students) Public school enrolment (125,359 students) Separate school enrolment (35,902 students) Community school councils 58 Independent schools 13 regional health authorities Sources: Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics; Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Historical Trends - Registered Indian Population, Saskatchewan Region ; Education Finance and Facilities, September 2007;.
JCSH Benefits Ministries of Health and Education have identified common work priorities. Routine meetings between the Health and Education School Health Coordinators to further comprehensive school health approaches. Established an electronic network to share ideas with comprehensive school health champions provincially.
School health coordinators: Provide professional development and support to provincial health and education groups. Enhance quality of information for Ministers and policy or program developers as a result of national access to information. JCSH Benefits