Opportunities: Administrative Data, Data Linkage, New Initiatives, Expanding access Health, Justice, Special Surveys Branch October 2015
2/23/15 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Current environment ▪Declining budgets ▪Falling survey response rates ▪Respondent burden ▪Privacy concerns ▪Need to look at alternatives
2/23/15 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Responding to the Current Environment ▪Maximize use of administrative data ▪Prioritize survey content ▪Data linkage
2/23/15 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Administrative records for social statistics Used in four ways: ▪In statistics and for research and analysis Births, deaths, crime rates, cancer rates, PS school attendance, trends, correlates ▪As a substitute or a complement to survey data Tax data (96% of people with income) Health records, social service records ▪As an integrating sources Population projections and estimates ▪For data confrontation Employer payrolls, social assistance, employment insurance
2/24/15 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Record Linkage Advances our Knowledge Examples of research: ▪Socio-economic differences in mortality outcomes ▪Health outcomes of immigrants – mortality, hospital use, birth outcomes ▪Risk factors associated with hospital utilization and mortality ▪Long-term income and employment among cancer survivors ▪Impact of long-term exposure to air pollution ▪Impact of blood transfusions on long-term mortality ▪Criminal careers/pathways
2/24/15 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Crime... a few small steps behind bacon If the government can trace a hog from a farm to market, it ought to be able to trace crime from the streets through the criminal justice system
2/24/15 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Re-contact with the Justice system Several years ago the CCJS was approached by its Justice partners to develop comprehensive national-level indicators of re-contact with the justice system—both within and between justice sectors Goal: Provide baseline metrics regarding re-contact to assist policymakers and justice administrators in developing and implementing effective strategies and policies aimed at: crime control or reduction balancing public safety with costs and proportional interventions for offenders
2/24/15 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Beyond the justice system At-risk individualsHealth outcomes Educational attainment Justice Outcomes Use of social services Income levels Household composition
Statistics Canada Statistique Canada New initiatives in HJSSB Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Calls for Service and Police Performance Metrics Victims Bill of Rights feasibility assessment Fire Incidence Database Corrections and Courts survey redesigns Research projects through linkage (correctional services)
Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Health Statistics Division ▪Updated survey content to respond to priority information gaps Childhood experiences, patient experience, drug method used, physical activity Chronic conditions, consumption of fruits and vegetables and pre/post natal care of children and youth New physical measures: vision, bone health, musculoskelatal fitness ▪New survey on children’s health to be piloted in 2016 ▪Long term care facilities survey redesign ▪Administrative data and linkage CIHI data files (CCRS, Mental health) NPHS linked to mortality and cancer data
2/24/15 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 7 A New Approach to Data Linkage Social Data Linkage Environment Special Surveys Division
Statistics Canada Statistique Canada What is the SDLE? ▪A secure environment for record linkage activities. ▪Builds on the lessons of record linkage experience. ▪Fundamental shift in the technical activity of linking data files. ▪Strong governance, adherence to policy and privacy requirements. ▪Suite of services and support for analysts and external researchers. ▪It is NOT a large linked data base housing personal and survey information. ▪Two major components: Derived Record Depository and Key Registry.
SDL Environment Identifiers of the datasets are linked to the DRD The results are stored in a depository of linked keys Only identifiers of datasets are brought into the environment DRD is built through successive record linkages Statistics Canada Statistique Canada
Opportunities Efficiently link data across multiple sectors in the social domain (i.e. health, justice, education) to complement surveys and data development Extend longitudinal surveys by linking respondents to longer term outcomes