Strategic Repurposing for Sustainable Access
Mission Statement The North Carolina State Archives, Archives and Records Section is part of the North Carolina Division of Historical Resources. The primary functions of the section include collecting, preserving, and making available for public use historical and evidential materials relating to North Carolina.
Life Cycle of a Record Creation Use Disposition
Trustworthy Electronic Records Electronic information can become evidence in litigation Admissibility Created during the regular course of business Established procedures Audit trails Timeliness “Most issues of trust stem from procedural effectiveness”
Preserving Electronic Records Migrate to new platforms Preserve original bit-stream Refresh to new media Emulation Save files in standard formats Have a digital record keeping plan in place Output to paper or microfilm
Long-Term Stability Factors in a file format’s long-term stability: Wide adoption History of backward compatibility Metadata support (in open format such as XML) Built-in error checking Audit of a files bytes Reasonable upgrade cycle
Initiatives at NC Archives and Records Web Site Archiving collection and Preservation-- NHPRC GIS—LC NDIIPP funding Distributed Custodial Preservation Center--NHPRC
NDIIPP Multi-State GIS Demonstration Kentucky, Utah, NC are participants both the GIS and Archives communities. Focused on: Identifying Collecting Promote preservation and access Replicating large volumes of geospatial data among several states