Breeds of Beef Cattle EFE Veterinary Science Breeds and Species
Cattle Breeds EFE Veterinary Science
BEEF BREEDS Emphasis upon production of most pounds of meat; typically quite independent.
Angus Black or Red only; polled; efficient grazers, high yield of high-quality beef; originally from Scotland
Belted Galloway White stripe around the middle; polled; smaller but highly feed efficient, gentle
Brahman Large tropical breed, survives with minimal care and low-quality diet, “hump” and dewlap to dissipate heat, horned breed, any color
Charolais Heavily muscled, fast-growing. Shades of white, gold and grey only, polled. Originated in France
Hereford Red with white markings and completely white face. Come in both polled and horned. Docile breed
Limousin “Double muscled”, short-legged, golden-red with paler ventrum (or black), horned breed
Maine-Anjou Red or black and white, originated in France. Horned, fast-growing.
Texas Longhorn US breed, all colors, horned!
Shorthorn Short horns, any color; also Milking Shorthonrs
Simmental Yellow to red “pied” color, white head, downturned horns, prominent dewlap
Scottish Highland Reddish-brown, small, very long, shaggy coat with prominent forelock, horned