At Risk After School Programs Missouri Department of Health and Senior Service Marcia Walmsley, MBA, Program Coordinator & Tracy Reese-Okosi, Nutrition Consultant
A Bit of History In 1998, Child Nutrition Reauthorization authorized snack reimbursement for children in afterschool programs. In 2000, the Agricultural Risk Protection Act established the At Risk After School Supper Program in Missouri, along with five other states.
A Bit of History (cont.) In 2001, 2008, and 2009, additional states were added to the list of At Risk After School Supper Programs, for a total of 15 states. In 2010, the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act expanded supper meal reimbursement to all 50 states.
Outreach Had a conference, hosted in coordination with the Kaufman foundation in Kansas City. Have coordinated outreach efforts with FRAC. Exhibits/displays Pamphlets Webinar Presentations at numerous conferences
Lessons Learned Don’t restrict meal service times Allow supper to be served first, after school has ended Provide separate training and resources Encourage sponsors to contract with schools for meals and to hire school cooks
Lessons Learned Have separate, designated storage space for afterschool foods. If the program is operated in a school by an outside entity, try to work with the school to develop an agreement to use school equipment and storage facilities. If possible, purchase foods through school contracts.
Missouri CACFP Web Site foodprograms/cacfp/index.php foodprograms/cacfp/index.php Or go to and scroll down to “Sites A to Z” and click on Child and Adult Care Food
Resources Policy and Procedure Manual At-Risk Recordkeeping Workbook Orientation Manual Outreach materials