A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and How to search for information Appropriation of sources of information Description of the scope and sources Evaluation and synthesis of products during the library search Demonstration of mastery of concepts of the access, use and ethics of information Various sources of information that were located, examined, analyzed and integrated Research process Demonstration of the APA Style in the use of citations
How to search for information A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Appropriation of sources of information A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Description of the scope and sources A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Effect Evaluation and synthesis of products during the library search A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Demonstration of mastery of concepts of the access, use and ethics of information A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Prevention Various sources of information that were located, examined, analyzed and integrated A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Research process A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Demonstration of the APA Style in the use of citations A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Childhood Obesity Introduction To: Research on Childhood Obesity Cause Effect Prevention
Childhood Obesity Causes The Caloric Balance Equation Overweight and obesity result from an energy imbalance. This involves eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity. Body weight is the result of genes, metabolism, behavior, environment, culture, and socioeconomic status. Behavior and environment play a large role causing people to be overweight and obese. These are the greatest areas for prevention and treatment actions. Adapted from U.S. Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity,
Childhood Obesity Causes
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Childhood Obesity Effects
Childhood Obesity Prevention
The Georgia WIC Program is the nation's seventh largest Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. The Food and Nutrition Service administers the program at the federal level and provides funds to state agencies for program implementation and administration. At the state level, the Department of Community Health, Division of Public Health, WIC Branch administers the program. Georgia Department of Community Health (2008) At A Glance. Retrieved July 22, Childhood Obesity Prevention
The part parents play towards prevention Breastfeeding Breastfeeding, with its many benefits for mothers and babies, is recognized as a way to reduce childhood overweight and related chronic diseases. Several studies provide evidence that any breastfeeding as well as breastfeeding for longer durations protect against overweight in childhood, although the mechanism by which this protection occurs is not clearly understood. Despite the need for a better understanding of the relationship between breastfeeding and childhood overweight, a number of studies conclude that promoting breastfeeding would be a reasonable strategy for reducing childhood overweight. " \t " Childhood Obesity Prevention
Obesity is easier to prevent than to treat, and prevention focuses in large measure on parent education. Children are getting less exercise compared to earlier years. Parents should consider monitoring the amount of time children watch television, play video games and use the computer. Encouraging bike riding and other outdoor activities regularly gives children the exercise needed to help prevent obesity. Due to the economy, more mothers are out in the working field. Which makes it harder to prepare healthy home-cooked meals. We are purchasing quick meals that our children can prepare themselves. Usually they are packed with tons of calories, fats and sugars. Parents should start considering preparing wholesome meals in advance. These meals could easily be packed and stored for future use. This process alone will eliminate those unhealthy quick meals. Replacing chips, candy, cookies and other junk foods with veggies and fresh fruit can ultimately help prevent childhood obesity. Active parents, encourages active children Parents that eat healthy, encourages children that eat healthier. Childhood Obesity Prevention
This is blah blah A Business Research Process on the Aspects of: Childhood Obesity A Tutorial created by “The A Team” Web-Based WIKI “Factualdata” and
Conclusion Childhood Obesity
Childhood Obesity; Cause, Effect, and Prevention Childhood obesity is an epidemic in the United States and across the world that is effecting our younger generation today. Over the last twenty years, childhood obesity has worsened and will eventually lead to higher health care costs, lower life-expectancy, and possibly a flawed self-image. This country needs a cohesive effort by parents, educators, and role-models to help teach our children the benefits of eating a healthy diet and regular exercise. We have to lead by example to show the children the causes, effects, and prevention of fighting childhood obesity.