June 25, 2007 Moravia-Silesia: Investors Friendly Region
June 25, 2007 Moravia-Silesia: Investors Friendly Region
June 25, 2007 Area 5,445 sq. km Population 1,251,883 Most populous Czech region Density inhabitants per sq. km Capital of the Region City of Ostrava The Moravian-Silesian Region: Basic data
June 25, 2007 The Moravian-Silesian region is leader in cluster policy in the Czech Republic. Recently, six cluster projects have been launched: - Engineering Cluster, - Wood Cluster, - Automotive Cluster, - IT Cluster, - Envicrack Cluster, - Hydrogen-CZ Cluster. Further new cluster to be established in Moravian-Silesian region is Building Cluster. Cluster Initiatives
June 25, March 2003 – foundation of the Moravian-Silesian Engineering Cluster, 46 members Aim: Support of engineering industry development in Moravian-Silesian Region by mean of following activities: 1. Innovations - Engineering Innovation Park 2. Marketing, promotion, export support - Presentation of activities of cluster and its members on Trade Fairs - Creation of supply chains 3. Human Resources Development - Rehabilitation of vocational educational system - Training Centres – Cluster School of Practice 4. Other joint projects - Cluster Communication and Information Centre MSEC within its members covers more than employees and represents turnover more than 52 billion CZK (app 1,8 bill. EUR). Moravian-Silesian Engineering Cluster
June 25, – foundation, 32 members recently Targets: Increase of competitiveness to reach a status not only certified, but also real suppliers to producers in automotive industry, Ensuring a sufficiency of qualified workforce for needs of cluster members, Reaching a position of equivalent partner for negotiations with final car producers Ensuring of advancement of research and development base in the region. Moravian-Silesian Automotive Cluster
June 25, 2007 IT Cluster – foundation, 33 members Scope of activities: Creation of environment for development of specialists in IT sector Creation of conditions for utilisation of synergy in production and development potential in IT sector Support of innovation processes and research Support of communication between private and public sector Consultant services for members of cluster Organisation of seminars focused on cluster and IT problematic Administration of portal to meet demand and supply in ITwww.p4it.cz
June 25, 2007 Moravian-Silesian Wood Cluster – foundation, 29 members Scope of activities: Initiation, support and coordination of cooperation among cluster members to increase competitiveness, economic growth, export and amount of innovations (by mean of trainings, seminars and meetings) Promotion of Moravian-Silesian Region, cluster and its members Promotion of wood in building industry Creations of new impetuses for development of wood industry in Moravian-Silesian Region Optimisation of value chain
June 25, 2007 Envicrack Cluster (cluster for renewable energy resources) – foundation, 22 members Scope of activities: Science-research activities in field of renewable energy resources and utilisation of wastes by mean of pyrolysis technology Development and further deepening of cooperation among cluster members Promotion of cluster and its members Ensuring of cluster self-financing and economic development of participating members Involvement of cluster into preparation and execution of strategy of utilisation of renewable and secondary energy resources and solution of waste management Mapping of localities suitable for installation of pyrolysis technology of waste treatment klastr obnovitelných zdrojů energie
June 25, 2007 Hydrogen-CZ Cluster – foundation, 11 members Scope of activities: Support of innovation activities, science, research and development in field of hydrogen technologies Human resources development in field of hydrogen technologies and hydrogen applications Support of communication and information exchange between private and public sector Cluster promotion Services for members (marketing studies, business trips to abroad, information services, workshops, seminars, etc.) Creation of conditions for maximal utilisation of synergy of production and development potential in field of hydrogen technologies
June 25, 2007 Role of the Moravian-Silesian Region in the CLOE Experimentation Moravia-Silesia is the most dynamic region in the Czech Republic in field of clusters development. During last two years several clusters have been established and further one is now in phase of foundation (see page 4). That is why the Moravian-Silesian region is able and ready to: -support and provide with the know-how in the field of mapping and identification of potential new clusters to the partners who are just in the beginning of cluster policies in their regions -provide to the partners with experiences with foundation and further functioning of new clusters in the early stage of their existence
June 25, 2007 Expectations of Moravian-Silesian Region from participation in CLOE Project By participation in CLOE Experimentation the Moravian-Silesian Region supposes to: -gain new experiences, skills and knowledge in field of management of clusters already established to have better abilities to extend and deepen the clusters activities and to make their functioning more effective, -learn more about models and schemes of clusters financing -get better background and overview of clusters strategies, clusters internalisation and inter-connection in the European context
June 25, 2007 A pilot project of the EU in 1993 Majority shareholder: Moravian-Silesian Regional Authority RDAO is a holder of the ISO 9001:2000 certificate Regional Development Agency Ostrava is taking care of clusters development in the Moravian Silesian Region. For these activities the Agency established an initiative ClusterNet which serves as regional platform for further development of industrial Clusters through the Network of cluster managers and related actors Regional Development Agency Ostrava
June 25, 2007 Contact David Pawera, Investor Relations Manager Regional Development Agency Ostrava Na Jízdárně Ostrava Czech Republic Tel: , Fax: Business portal of the Moravian-Silesian Region: