HAPPY MONDAY D3 Computer Bellwork: 1. Get a laptop for your table (you and your shoulder partner), go ahead and log in. 2. Have out your Notecard Sticker Sheet (this is being turned in today). Lay out your notecards (definition side up) on your desk 6x6, “Adaptation” needs to be top left card. 3. On your bellwork sheet: Quickwrite – Use the following words in a 42 word quickwrite explaining what you have learned about Evolution so far. Evolution, Adaptation, Fitness, Natural Selection, Darwin, Survival, Reproduction
Collect Today Page 86 – Notecard Definitions Page 90 – Fossil Dating Page 92 – Virtual Bunny Lab Assigned Evolution Quiz (TOMORROW) Most Missed Quiz – Genetics (Wednesday) Late Family Tree Project– Include Rubric and Punnett Squares (-50 points) Page 88 – Evolution Bean Lab Graph (-30%) Page 91 – Anatomical Homologies Coloring Page (-30%)
Unit 6 – Evolution Definitions Due Monday (1/11/16) All Parts Due Friday (1/15/16) 1.Adaptation 2.Anatomical Homologies 3.Ancestry 4.Artificial Selection 5.Biodiversity 6.Biogeography 7.Bottleneck Effect 8.Charles Darwin 9.Common Descent 10.Developmental Homologies 11.Disruptive Selection (Graph) 12.Directional Selection (Graph) 13.Evolution 14.Fitness 15.Fossil Record 16.Founder Effect 17.Gene Flow 18.Gene Pool 19.Genetic Drift 20.Genetic Variation 21.Gradualism 22.Homologous Structures 23.Homology 24.Limiting Factor 25.Migration 26.Molecular Homologies 27.Natural Selection 28.Non-Random Mating 29.Overpopulation 30.Recombination 31.Reproductive Success 32.Speciation 33.Stabilizing Selection (Graph) 34.Stasis 35.Theory 36.Vestigial Structure PG 86
Essential Question What types of interactions between and organism and its environment can lead to evolution? Standard B.7C - Analyze and evaluate how natural selection produces change in populations, not individuals. B.7E - Analyze and evaluate the relationship of natural selection to adaptation and to the development of diversity in and among species. PG 92
D. Homologous structures: structures that have different mature forms but develop from the same embryonic tissues are called (start similar, end different)
E. Vestigial organs are organs that serve no useful function in an organism.
Something Important to Know: Theory: a well-supported scientific explanation that is subject to change. Law: a scientific fact. Evolution is a theory.
Evolution is often called “the grand unifying theory of biology.” Evolutionary theory continues to change as new data are gathered and new ways of thinking arise.
Bunny Simulation If only one species is considered the "fittest", why do we still have so many variations among species. Why do some birds have very long pointy beaks, while other birds have short flat beaks? PG 92