Scientific Method Notes
Observation Definition:
Observation Inference Definition: Inference Definition: using your senses to gather information an interpretation based on observation and prior experiences
Prediction Based on your observations predict what you think will happen next. “I predict ___________________________” A prediction is an inference about future events based on evidence, experience, or knowledge.
Experimental Design Notes
Control Group or Control Receives no treatment OR Receive standard treatment
Title This will be given to you for each lab.
Problem What is the effect of _____________ on ____________?
Independent Variable a.k.a. Manipulated Variable The variable that is changed during the experiment
Dependent Variable a.k.a. Responding Variable The variable that is observed and that may change in response to the independent variable
Hypothesis A proposed scientific explanation General format The “if, then” format If (independent variable) then (dependent variable) if… then…
Experimental Constants Variables that are not altered during the experiment. There should be more than one!
Experimental Explanation In 2-4 sentences explain what you are doing in the experiment.
Safety Read over the procedures Identify safety procedures from the contract that you must pay special attention to in the lab Identify any additional specific safety procedures noted in the lab
Results In 2-4 sentences, explain what happened in the experiment. Refer to the actual data collected!
Conclusion Does your data support or refute your hypothesis?
Experimental Error What could have caused problems within your experiment? Avoidable Things that you have/ had control over Unavoidable Things that you have/ had no control over
Sketch of Experimental Set-Up Sketch the general set-up including the equipment and configuration Be sure to include labels It may be helpful to explain or show multiple steps for some lab sketches!