Fire detection based on vision sensor and support vector machines Adviser: Li Yu-Chiang Speaker: Wu Wei-Cheng Date: 2009/03/10 Fire Safety Journal, Volume 44, Issue 3, April 2009, Pages Byoung Chul Ko, Kwang-Ho Cheong, Jae-Yeal Nam 1
Outline 1. Introduction 2. Candidate fire-pixel detection Fire-colored pixel detection Fire-colored pixel detection Moving pixel detection using frame difference Moving pixel detection using frame difference Non-fire pixel removal using temporal luminance variation Non-fire pixel removal using temporal luminance variation 3. Fire-pixel verification using SVM 4. Experimental results 5. Conclusions 2
1. Introduction 3
Fire-colored pixel detection 5 2. Candidate fire-pixel detection
Moving pixel detection using frame difference In our experiment, a threshold t shows similar detection results and processing time when it is 6 2. Candidate fire-pixel detection
Non-fire pixel removal using temporal luminance variation 7 2. Candidate fire-pixel detection
SVM (support vector machines) 9 3. Fire-pixel verification using SVM
假設在 2D 裡 plot 6 個 trainning data, A(1,2), B(2,6), C(3,4), 這三個點的 data 為 (-1) 類別, D(1, - 1), E(2, -1), F(3, 2) 為 ( +1) 類別, 並假設 x-y = 0 是這個 hyperplane. ( 不一定正確, 但可一刀分割 ), x-y = -1 為 (-1) 類別的 boundary, A, C 兩點為此線上的 support vectors. x-y = 1 為 ( +1) 類別的 boundary, F 點則是 support vector 如果要知道 G(-3, 1) 與 H(3, 1) 是屬於哪一類的, 將 G 座標代入 hyperplane 中可得 = -4 G 點屬 (-1) 類別, 同理 將 H 座標代入 hyperplane 中可得 = 2 > 0 ==> H 點屬 ( +1) 類別 Fire-pixel verification using SVM
Given training data that are vectors in space and their labels where, the general form of the binary linear classification function is Fire-pixel verification using SVM
12 4. Experimental results
13 4. Experimental results
5. Conclusions The proposed approach is more robust to noise, such as smoke, and subtle differences between consecutive frames compared to previous research. Computation time for fire detection needs to be improved to design a real-time fire-warning system. 14