PWG3 analysis (barrel)


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Presentation transcript:

PWG3 analysis (barrel) Andrea Dainese (INFN Padova) with A.Andronic, F.Antinori, G.E.Bruno, G.Martinez, S.Masciocchi ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 1

2 Contents New developments for the three groups Hadronic charm Heavy-flavour electrons J/  to di-electrons Requirements

Hadronic Charm (D2H) [PWG3/vertexingHF] ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 3

Analysis strategy Candidates produced in one go starting from the AOD (or ESD) and writing output to deltaAOD this is done in the Official AOD-creation train (which starts from ESDs) but can be done also in successive train that reads the already- produced AOD and re-creates only the deltaAOD file new functionality provided by Andrei, and tested Candidates analysed with trains that read AODs+deltaAOD output as histograms run very frequently (central AOD trains + invidual users)  very good Grid performance/stability since a few months –about 70M AOD events analyzed successfully, at least weekly ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 4

Heavy-flavour vertexing: Analysis of candidates from AOD Input: AliAODs.root + AliAOD.VertexingHF.root “D2H” analysis train: Steering macro RunAnalysisAODVertexingHF.C Several wagons (TaskSE)  CompareHF (vertex resolutions)  D0 analysis  D+ analysis  Ds analysis  D* analysis  Like-sign bkg D0  D0 CORRFW task  D* CORRFW task  Prompt D0 fraction Can be switched on/off with single macro AddD2HTrain.C  used to attach D2H train to official train (Mihaela)  also enables reading MC info All tasks tested on pp data (except CORRFW...) ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 5

Examples from data analysis AODs+deltaAOD created from ESDs of data (pass4) and MCs (LHC10a8-PYTHIA, LHC10a14-PHOJET) using official train macro with AliPhysicsSelection (only selected events written to AOD file) D2H train run on these AODs. D0  K  invariant mass VS pt: ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese GeV >5 GeV3-5 GeV 2-3 GeV1-2 GeV R.Bala, C.Bianchin

Heavy-flavour vertexing: developments in progress Event mixing: code for D2H available in: $ALICE_ROOT/PWG3/vertexingHF based on AliAnalysisTaskME, interfaces to exactly the same code used for SE analysis AOD based analysis (both input and output)  mixes 2,3,4 events  computed average primary vertex and refers tracks to it  binning in all needed variables implemented tested locally: OK not yet running on the Grid Common PID utility goal: provide a common utility for performing PID on AOD, using ITS and TPC dE/dx and TOF possibility to use single-detector n-sigma cut PID or combined PID AliAODPIDHF (deriving from AliAODPid) in progress Now all needed info is present in the AOD Book-keeping of analysis cuts new class AliRDHFCuts to keep all cuts (event-level, track-level, vertex-level)  created in AddTask, passed to task, stored with output histos ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 7

Heavy flavour electrons (HFE) [PWG3/hfe] ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 8

Status of HF electron analysis Single AnalysisTask with several options (PID,...) and analysis plugins (vertexing) input: ESD or AOD switch on/off MC info ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 9

Electron ID strategies ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 10

PID from ESD and AOD ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 11 AOD PID under development:

Preparation of electron cocktail generator ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 12

J/psi  ee [PWG3/dielectron NEW! ] ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 13

ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 14 J.Wiechula

ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 15 J.Wiechula

ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 16 J.Wiechula

General PWG3-barrel Issues / Requirements Fixed schedule for trains or runs on demand? ESD monthly?  producing AODs and running analyses on ESDs and AODs AOD bi-weekly? Trains on real data (and data-taylored MCs) for 2009 data, we run privately (no AODs+deltas were produced) would be good to establish a regular schedule also for these  AODs+deltas shortly after data taken  statistics increases quickly with data AliPhysicsSelection (see also next talk):  applied on ESDs  only selected AODs  at the moment managed centrally by First Physics –who will take this job on the longer term? ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 17

General PWG3-barrel Issues / Requirements Analysis scalability: things work well now, for data and MC BUT: we analyze now at most ~7x10 7 events we will have to analyze 20 times more events (>10 9 ) x2 (data and MC)  never tested  not all PWGs have same high-stats requirement Productions: we join other PWGs in requesting a production of pp min-bias at 7 TeV to start soon plus our specific requests (7 TeV)  J/psi production (already in Monalisa)  charm forced production (approved by PB, to be entered in Monalisa) ALICE Offline Week, CERN, Andrea Dainese 18