The rose bushes will be _____ in June. a) trade tradeb) blooming bloomingc) pricklypricklyd) muscles muscles
You are correct! blooming – adjective - flowering, growing
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The cactus plants are _______. a) scentscentb) tradetradec) blooming bloomingd) prickly prickly
You are correct! prickly – adjective - covered with sharp points or thorns
My aunt goes to the gym every day to keep her _______strong. a) a) pricklypricklyb) muscles musclesc) aromaaromad) scentscent
You are correct! muscles – plural noun – bundles tissues that move parts of the body
The soup gave off a wonderful _______. a) blooming bloomingb) prickly pricklyc) musclesmusclesd) aromaaroma
You are correct! aroma – noun - a pleasant smell
The ________ of roses filled the air. a) muscles musclesb) scent scentc) tradetraded) bloomingblooming
You are correct! scent – noun - a nice smell
Swapping an apple for an orange is a fair ______. a) musclesmusclesb) aromaaromac) scentscentd) tradetrade
You are correct! trade – noun - an exchange of one thing for another