WHAT DOES DESCRIPTIVE WRITING MEAN? Word choice Adjectives Using our five senses
Adjective Syllables: ad-jec-tive; (3) Definition: a word that describes a noun Examples: Warm Purple Skinny Non-Examples: Doesn’t describe a person, place or thing Jump Quickly
ADJECTIVES Words that describe a noun (person, place, or thing) Usually tell: The size The color How it feels How it looks How it behaves How it sounds
FIND THE ADJECTIVE… The fat cat jumped the fence. Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today. Ben is a quiet baby.
I met a homeless person in New York. Write your name in the big, blue, square box. I bought a pair of black leather shoes.
Name the five senses on your whiteboard. Taste Smell Sight Touch Hear
Think for a moment about how much you use touch, taste, vision, hearing, and smelling in your every day life. These are the things that make things appealing to us, so they greatly help when trying to write.
Authors add adjectives to their writing to make stories more interesting. Our five senses go well with adjectives. The adjective helps describe how something looks, tastes, feels, sounds, or smells.
ACTIVITY RULES… Must listen to teacher for which sense you will be using No talking during the activity Eyes must remain closed until told to open them. It will ruin the smell and touch section of the activity.
Pass out item Have students look at it Have students touch it Have students smell it Have students taste it Have students listen to the sound it makes. Have students take out a piece of paper
WRITING… Write a sentence for each sense. Make sure to use adjectives to describe the popcorn. Now, write a paragraph about your favorite ice cream.