English for Computing (Vocabulary & Notes) Week 7
15 Multimedia integratefit in with group residebe present; live somewhere extracurricularoutside normal duties expandmake or become larger extendincrease size, time span exhibitdisplay art, show dedicatedevote, commit to someone
Exercises clueaid in solving mystery adversaryopponent
16 Sound and Music subscribesupport view, sign name, pay in advance journalmagazine, periodical skipsmall hopping step programme (U.K.) program
Collocations Collocations: two or more words that often go together. Examples: Great Taste instead of Nice Taste Nice smell instead of Great Smell
Collocations (cntd) adverb + adjective: utterly stupid richly decorated fully automatic adjective + noun: regular exercise long trip clear conscience
Collocations (cntd) noun + noun: pack of wolves noun + verb: snow falls a wolf howls verb + noun: commit suicide return money
Collocations (cntd) verb + preposition (+ noun): run out of money fill with horror fall from height verb + adverb: remember vaguely slightly change highly recommend
36 Collocations collocationco-occurrance of words worthimportant enough to justify something caféinformal restaurant competitiveinvolving attempt to win dramaticallymarkedly, in a startling way ignitelight, arouse emotion consortiumcombination of organizations spanextend over/across something
17 Programming successivefollowing in sequence smoothlywithout difficulty sophisticatedadvanced, complex breeddistinct animal, particular type tollfee, charge for call dozengroup of 12 crucialimportant dictionclarity of speech conventionalaccepted, usual, established call upbring back memories