Write adjectives in sentences.
What you know!!! You know how to write sentences. You know how to describe objects. Now we are going to mix the two together!!!!!
What is an adjective?? An adjective is a word that describes a noun.
What are the five senses? TasteSmellHearTouchSight SourSweetBoomSmoothColorful
Why it’s important!!!! To spice up your writing Get a cool job
How to include adjectives I ate ice cream for dessert. I ate a colorful mountain of ice cream for dessert.
Practice I had a seashell in my hand. What adjective can I add to this sentence to spice up my writing?
More Practice I see a flower. What adjective can I add to this sentence to spice up my writing?
Write a sentence for this picture using an adjective. Pumpkin pie
What did we learn? What did we add to spice up our sentences? What is an adjective? Give an example of an adjective?