The Tang and Song Dynasty By: Lizzy Shaffer and Kaely Bril ♥
The Tang Dynasty ( ) Leaders: Li Yuan, Wu Zetian, Li Zhu, Tai Song, and Xuan Zong Achievements: Poets Li, Po, Tu Fu, and Po Chu-I Hand crafted guilds, and use of paper money Wood block printing technique was invented Cultivated wheat and millet
Continued… Notable Events: Buddhism declined, Confucinisim rose Glorious Period Economy and social development rose and no corruption 2 nd Glorious Period- recovering from former emperors’ corruption
Continued… Contact: Traded goods with Japan, Gaoli, Xin Luo and Baji Made developments in astronomy, medicare and printing techniques
The Song Dynasty ( ) Leaders: (N) Song Taizu, Song Qinzong, (S) Song Gaozong, and Song Weiwang Achievements: In agricultures the technology improved which promoted the output of food; in Handicraft Industry, labor became more detailed and as a result the technology reached advanced levels. Rice cultivation in the south flourished enough to give support to double the population.
Continued… Iron foundries produced as much as 200 million pounds of iron a year for weapons and tools Gunpowder invented for rockets, guns, chemical warfare weapons, and bombs Economic growth and industrial advance
Continued… Notable Events: During the Song Dynasty it had greater emphasis that laid upon the civil service system of recruiting officials The Song Navy was of great importance during the Consolidation of the empire in the 10 th century During war with the Tang Dynasty, Song Navy defended large floating pontoon bridges across the Yangzi River to secure troops and supplies
Continued… Contact: Traded goods with Southeast Asia, and Middle east Development in technology, science, and economy
Video Song Dynasty Tang Dynasty wNN8Q wNN8Q