Theme 3 July 11 th, 2013. AgreementsStatusComments 1. Potential joint Proposal for CRP4, value chains and nutrition. Discarded 2. Gender focus analysis.


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Presentation transcript:

Theme 3 July 11 th, 2013

AgreementsStatusComments 1. Potential joint Proposal for CRP4, value chains and nutrition. Discarded 2. Gender focus analysis In progress 3. Matrix filled on projects and activities In progress 4. Web-based clearing-house First draft a.Categorization of tools First draft b.Tools with documentation and validation ready to upload In progress 5. Impact assessment a.Lay out steps to implement and methods to link with partners Pending b.Plan launch on June in Ethiopia Pending c.Forming partnerships with end users Pending 7. Core team within CGIAR -- Develop a concept note (Maximo) 9. Publications agreed a.Multi-stake holder innovation platform CIP, CIAT, ILRI, Bioversity (Andre) b.Experiences in contract farming IFPRI, IITA, CIAT Maximo c. Performance indicators and impact assessment (ILRI, IFPRI) Derek and Maximo 10. Progress reports for PIM – template to CRP focal points Done 11. Identification of key people working in other CRPs, and in other organization In progress 12. Have a meeting in May to discuss progress and a systematic way to review tools DoneIn July 13. ILRI’s meeting (June/July) to share methodologies In progressIn September 14. Have a meeting in August/September in which we invite key VC people PendingOctober?
