The work reported herein was supported under the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, PR/Award (No. VO51A070003) as administered by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Office of Vocational and Adult Education or the U.S. Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. For Career & Technical Education
James R. Stone III, Director Donna Pearson, Associate Director Pradeep Kotamraju, Deputy Director Building on the past to improve the future
The Center Partners Partner Organizations
Purpose... to carry out scientifically-based research and evaluation, and to conduct dissemination and training activities consistent with the purposes of the Act.
In response to the RFP: 3 Foci for the New Center: Engagement – Completing high school, completing PS programs Achievement – technical and academic; acquisition of industry credentials Transition – to continued formal learning without the need for remediation; and to the workplace
Three strands: The work of the Center Develop and improve methods to address education, employment, and training needs Increase the effectiveness and improve the implementation of CTE programs that are integrated with coherent and rigorous content that is aligned with challenging academic standards Improve the preparation/professional development of faculty and adminstrators to improve student learning in CTE
NRC cte Year 2 Purposes EngagementAchievementTransition Improve methods of instruction and assessment 1.Authentic Literacy in CTE 2.Science in CTE (Pending) 5. On-line CTE in PS Improve effectiveness and implementation of programs 3. Personnel Pathways to Success 4. Rigorous Test of P of S 6. Relative Impact PS 7. PS CTE Programs of Study 3. Personnel Pathways to Success 4. Rigorous Test of P of S 6. Relative Impact PS 7. PS CTE Programs of Study 10. Systematic review of literature-Transition Improve preparation of professionals 8. PD on Use of Assessment Data 9.Alternative Licensure 10a. Systematic Review of literature-PS CTE PD 8. PD on Use of Assessment Data 9. Alternative Licensure Purposes EngagementAchievementTransition Accountability12.Repository of technical skills 8. PD on use of Assessment Data 11. Harvesting data
The RFP: Four Plans of Work Scientifically Based Research Tech Assistance Professional DevelopmentDissemination
Year 2 – A National Research Center ? ? Research Sites Technical Assistance & Professional Development Sites
Year 3
Carry out SBR for the purpose of: Developing, improving or identifying... methods to address the needs of individuals Increase the effectiveness and implementation of programs... Improve the preparation of teachers and administrators... to improve student learning in CTE classrooms Scientifically Based Research
3 Studies of Program of Study A Longitudinal Study of the South Carolina Personal Pathways to Success Initiative Rigorous Test of Student Outcomes in CTE Programs of Study Programs of Study: A PS Longitudinal Analysis – Backward Mapping
2 Studies of Curriculum Integration Authentic Literacy Applications in CTE: Helping All Students Learn Science in CTE
2 Postsecondary Studies Relative Impact of Interventions to Improve Achievement and Retention in Postsecondary Occupational Programs On-Line CTE in Community Colleges
2 Developmental Professional Development Studies Professional Development for Educators on the Use of Assessment Data Alternative Licensure CTE Teacher Induction Model
Conduct dissemination and training (PD) Based on the research performed by the Center Dissemination Professional Development
Dissemination Activities & Projects Projects Best, Promising & Practitioner Wisdom Practices Systematic Reviews of Literature Repository of technical skills assessments* Activities Publications Research Snapshots Newsletters Website Podcasts Webcasts Interactivity
Average Month 3,000+ visits 13,000+ page views 50 countries
Pending & Recently Completed Studies Pending Harvesting State Postsecondary Career and Technical Administrative Record Data to Assess Student Performance Recently Completed Reports Access & Affordability UI Wage Data Use by States What will be the impact of programs of study? A preliminary assessment based on similar previous initiatives, state plans for implementation, and career development theory
Provide technical assistance upon the request of a state to develop, improve and identify the most successful methods and techniques for providing CTE programs Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance To States Curriculum Integration/Math in CTE
State Technical Assistance Academy for Career and Technical Education Green-Focused Programs of Study
Pending Reports for Year 2 Working titles Programs of Study: Early Findings Personal pathways for success (Clemson) Rigorous test of programs of study (U of L) Backward Mapping PS Programs of Study (AED) Relative Impact (UMN) Curriculum Integration Authentic Literacy (Cornell) Math (and preliminary work on Science) in-CTE Professional Development in CTE PD on use of assessment data (NOCTI) Alternative licensure for CTE (SREB) Professional development review of literature (U of L) Postsecondary CTE On-line post secondary CTE (U of L) Harvesting data (U of L)