COMPUTER WORKSHOP FINAL PROJECT TOPIC: Importance of planting trees SLIDE 1: Introduction SLIDE 2: Benefits we get from trees SLIDE 3: Consequences of cutting down the trees (insert a video link) SLIDE 4: Make a map to the closest place to buy material to plant a tree SLIDE 5: Your personal conclusions or feelings to planting trees *Don’t forget to add pictures, animations, and the link to a video from youtube
CULTURAL PROGRAM AGENDA DAY 1: June 18 th, 2013 IN HIDALGO Visit from the Vice-consul Michael Barrers Questions from students about his job and visa process role play Art activity with teacher Edna Hattem 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. DAY 2: June 20 th, 2013 IN HIDALGO Visit to Planetario Alfa Tour from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Transportation from Hidalgo DAY 3: June 25 th, 2013 IN APODACA Visit from Teacher Norma ACTING EXERCISES From 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. DAY 4: June 27 th, 2013 IN APODACA MOVIE: The Princess Diary *popcorn included Question session and Trivia From 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
CULTURAL PROGRAM AGENDA DAY 5: July 2 nd, 2013 IN APODACA Culinary art (American food) 3:00 to 4:00 pm prepare the food 4:00 to 5:30 Gastronomic exhibition and explanation Invite your parents DAY 6: July 4 th, 2013 IN HIDALGO Cultural activities Independence Day Exhibit tour and activities Celebration From 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. DAY 7: July 9 th, 2013 IN APODACA Role plays presentation ACTING EXERCISES *Invite your parents From 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. DAY 8: June 11 th, 2013 IN APODACA Conference: Public speaking by Lic. Olga Rocha Portfolio presentation & final results Parents share and Access awards From 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
COMMUNITY SERVICE VIDEO A: Hello, we are dangers that might affect you badly! B: We are environmental problems that affect our planet now C: You are the responsible we grow and grow everyday A: That’s right, everyday, little by little C: We make the planet sick B: Thanks for your contribution TEAM 1
COMMUNITY SERVICE VIDEO A: Hi, remember, environmental problems are bad for our planet B: They destroy the ozone layer, increase the temperatures and change the climate C: Please, everyday we produce more carbon dioxide and less oxygen A: We need more oxygen to cool down the planet B: And help nature to keep balance C: Don’t contribute to climate change TEAM 2
COMMUNITY SERVICE VIDEO A: There are many benefits from planting trees B: They produce the oxygen we need C: They help to keep natural habitats from many animal species A: They help to regulate our planet’s temperature B; Green areas look better than concrete areas! C: We invite you to stop cutting down trees and plant them TEAM 3
COMMUNITY SERVICE VIDEO A: The problem in the city is that we have reduced spaces B: If that is your case, we have a perfect solution! ALL: Make a vertical garden A: It’s easy, fun and economic to do one B: Here in Relaciones Culturales we will show an example! C: We invite you to try to do one it’s easy TEAM 4