LTP and FSS Plan Project Status Overview Presented by Bill Barley September 28, 2015
2 PG&E Property Boundary
3 PG&E Property
Radiological Criteria for Unrestricted Use Acceptable for unrestricted use if the residual radioactivity (distinguishable from background) results in a TEDE to an average member of the critical group that does not exceed 25 mrem (0.25 mSv) per year, including that from groundwater sources of drinking water
5 NRC Approval and Public Meeting Submit LTP May 3, 2013 NRC Acceptance Review Public Meeting Aug. 20, 2013 Technical Review LTP Approved Mid-Late days 30 days to Early September 1 year – 18 months LTP Process Approximate Anticipated Timelines
6 License Termination Plan (LTP) 1. General Site Information 2. Site Characterization 3. Remaining Decommissioning Activities 4. Site Remediation Plan 5. Final Status Survey 6. Compliance with Radiological Criteria 7. Financial Status 8. Supplement to the Environmental Report RegGuide Format
7 LTP Chapter 1 General Site Information Chapter 1 provides information about the site and lays out the licensing notification and approval requirements relating to any deviations from or changes to the LTP. Addresses historical information about the site as well as summarizing the content of the remaining seven chapters
8 LTP Chapter 2 Site Characterization Provides information regarding the radiological state of the site using input from the historical site assessment, site spill records and continuing characterization data. Characterization will continue to take place and the LTP will be updated as necessary as new data becomes available.
9 LTP Chapter 3 Remaining Decommissioning Activities Describes the methods and sequence of remaining decommissioning work. Done at a high level, in other words, major activities are identified and an estimated completion date is provided so the NRC can identify any inspections and technical resources that will be needed. The chapter also includes site dose estimates, waste volumes and radiological effluents for the entire decommissioning.
10 LTP Chapter 4 Site Remediation Plan Describes the means and methods to accomplish the remaining work scope of remediation to meet the NRC’s release criteria. Include a detailed description of the techniques that will be employed to remove or remediate surface and subsurface soils, groundwater, and surface water and sediments.
11 LTP Chapter 5 Final Status Survey The LTP describes the final radiation survey plan for demonstrating that the plant and site will meet the release limits. The final status survey is the radiation survey performed after an area has been fully characterized, remediation has been completed, and the area is ready to be released. The purpose of the final status survey is to demonstrate that the area conforms to the radiological criteria for license termination.
12 LTP Chapter 6 Compliance With Radiological Criteria Most technical of the chapters Describes the process implemented to develop the site dose models and Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs), including input parameter justification and sensitivity analyses. DCGLs are radionuclide-specific values determined by a software program that correlate to the site release criteria.
13 LTP Chapter 7 Financial Status Describes the financing of the decommissioning project, with very detailed cost estimates which usually includes some proprietary information related to contractual information. Funding status for the operation of the temporary spent fuel storage is not included in this chapter, however it is required in the annual financial assurance document sent to the NRC.
14 LTP Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report Provides an update to the 1984 environmental report. The goal of this chapter is to demonstrate that the project poses no environmental impacts that would exceed those described in the NRC’s Generic Environmental Impact Statement. Describes any new information or significant environmental changes associated with the site- specific termination activities from the time the dismantlement and decommissioning activities began until the license is terminated.
15 FSS Program Overview DQO Process Used in the design of survey plans and consists of seven steps: 1.State the Problem 2.Identify the Decision 3.Identify Inputs into the Decision 4.Define the Boundaries of the Decision 5.Develop a Decision Rule 6.Specify Tolerable Limits on Decision Errors 7.Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data Used in the design of survey plans and consists of seven steps: State the Problem Identify the Decision Identify Inputs into the Decision Define the Boundaries of the Decision Develop a Decision Rule Specify Tolerable Limits on Decision Errors Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data
16 FSS Program Overview Survey Classifications MARSSIM uses a graded approach to the surveys (i.e. the more likely the residual activity is present at the DCGL, the more rigorous the survey). Three Classes: Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
17 Release Criteria Derived Concentration Guideline Limit (DCGL) A nuclide-specific release value specified in the LTP Where multiple nuclides are present each nuclide must be compared to its DCGL CANNOT have 100% of the DCGL present for each nuclide Separate DCGL set for soils and building structures
18 Final Status Survey (FSS) Performed to demonstrate to the NRC that the area meets the release criteria Is included in a Final Report to the NRC Performed in accordance with the LTP Confirmatory surveys may be performed by ORAU (2 trips performed to date)
19 FSS Status Overview Fuel Oil Tank Area King Salmon Ave. U/2 Footprint Hot Machine Shop Deep Trench
20 FSS Status Overview Discharge Canal North Yard Excavation MARSAME Work HBGS
21 FSS Status Overview Monitoring Well Relocation
22 CSM Wall Characterization CSM Wall Installation
Questions/Comments Presented by Bill Barley September 28, 2015