Correctors magnets V. Zubko, IHEP, Protvino SIS 300 Pre-consortium Meeting Thursday 19 March 2009, Protvino
3/1/2016V. Zubko2 Correctors in the SIS 300 arc Main requirements to correctors Operating current < 300 A SIS 300 machines require a large number of corrector magnets These magnets are needed for two main reasons – fine tuning of beam optics, – local or global corrections of alignment and field errors of main magnets
3/1/2016V. Zubko3 Cryomodules containing magnets in cryostat From H. Muller April Types of cryomodules
3/1/2016V. Zubko4 Production of SC correctors at IHEP UNK’s multipole correctors Load lines Diameter of wire 0.3 mm, Ratio Cu/NbTi 1.7, ribbon cable, operating current ≤ 30 A parameters of UNK’s multipole
3/1/2016V. Zubko5 Production of SC correctors at IHEP Dipole correctors for TEL magnetic system Diameter of wire 0.3 mm, Ratio Cu/NbTi 1.7, Cable: 8 SC wires for the short dipoles, 3 SC + 5 Cu wires for the long dipoles, operating current ≤ 30 A
3/1/2016V. Zubko6 Preliminary parameters all Correctors of SIS300 Superconducting wire Operating current ~ 250 A Correctors
3/1/2016V. Zubko7 Shell magnets, horizontal dipole nested inside a vertical dipole Coils with insulated Superconducting wires H/V dipole Number of magnets HEBT (Phase A / B) 78 1 / 5 Physical length0.75 m Effective length0.65 m Aperture105 mm Main field strength0.5 T Ramp time to Max.2.27 sec. Requirements H/V dipole Current [kA]250 Stored energy [J]871 Yoke inner radius, mm62.5 Strength, T0.5 N turns94 Computation results Horizontal and Vertical combined Vertical field Horizontal field Skew field Preliminary parameters of Steering Magnets
3/1/2016V. Zubko8 Preliminary parameters of Chromaticity Sextupoles and Resonance Sextupoles Chrom. Number of magnets24 Physical length0.75 m Effective length0.78 m Aperture105 mm Main field strength*130 T/m 2 Ramp time to Max sec. Requirements Chrom. Current [A]250 Stored energy [J]1376 Yoke inner radius, mm62.5 Strength, T/m N turns32 Computation results Resona. Number of magnets12 Physical length1.0 m Effective length0.975 m Aperture86 mm Main field strength*325 T/m 2 Ramp time to Max.0. 5 sec. Resona. Current [A]250 Stored energy [J]3120 Yoke inner radius, mm52. Strength, T/m N turns45 Shell magnets Coils with insulated Superconducting wires magnetic field
3/1/2016V. Zubko9 Preliminary parameters of Error Compensation Multipole Correctors 2.24 sec sec sec. Ramp time to max. B 4 = 767T/m 3 B 3 = 60T/m 2 B 2 = 1.8T/mMax. field strength* 105 mm Aperture 0.65 m Magnetic length 0.75 m Physical length 12 Number of magnets OctupoleSextupole Quadrupole Nested shell magnets Coils with insulated Superconducting wires Requirements Quad.Sext.Oct. Current [A]250 Stored energy [J] Yoke inner radius, mm 62.5 Strength,1.8 T/m60 T/m T/m 3 N turns11149 Computation results *