Optimization Objectives Top Level Questions 10 MeV – Incorporate studies on operability, cost etc. 50 MeV – More stringent beam specs Optimize 50 MeV design including beam specs & all other performance/cost metrics Solution should work for 10 MeV beam requirements What about June? Some Prerequisites: Realistic and Optimal components (Standardized?) Firm up beam specs out of Gun (as much as possible) Outstanding benchmarking issues Optimizer driving Track Beam from photocathode?
Current state Prototypes exist in various design codes at 10 MeV (Target: March 20) Optimization driver extension (multiple-modules) in progress (New task) Next Finalize on objectives (Target: March 20) Take care of prerequisites (Some old, some new) 50 MeV prototypes? (New task, partly existing) Extended optimizer will be used to Refine prototypes Look for global optimum
Structuree of the Optimization Program Currently : Optimizer InstructionsConfig. Astra Needed : Optimizer Config. Instructions Astra Module Implementation is reasonably straightforward Optimal Set
Optimization Objective Beam properties Low bunch charge scenarioHigh bunch charge scenario Bunch charge16 pc100 pc Rep rate650 MHz<100 MHz Energy10 MeV50 MeV Emittance 50 m (4 RMS Norm.)10 m (RMS Norm.) Beam size (95%) 5 mm on target ?? Bunch length1ps Momentum spread10 -3 Max. beam envelope x 2 MeV? Halo/Particle loss??
Optimization Objective Beam properties Emittance, size, E/E, correlation, phase space parameters Halo, particle loss Use 95% envelope etc. (Other measure for halo?) Parameter at strategic locations / Global limits ( x 2 MeV?) Transport properties Operability 6D response matrix to determine diagnostic/tuning effectiveness Geometry – Mainly through constraints Components Strength within operable range (constraint?) Reality check Different “species” of elements Cost Construction Operation Robustness Error sensitivity Need to distinguish between objective and constraint Need other “Evaluators”
Components Reasonable operating range of identified components Necessary for standardized components Geometry – Mainly through constraints Cost- Need to formulate Robustness - Separate study
High rightness option motivated hardware decisions (gun, 7-cell,...) Continuation with standardized elements Realistic layout with diagnostic/control - to be translated to quantitative design specs Scope of PAC paper and how far we are from it.
High rightness option motivated hardware decisions Gun 200 keV May be necessary given current optimization results Does not impact 16 pC configuration (so far) 7-Cell Cavity More efficient HOM damping Only relevant for high brightness Will change 16 pC configuration Decision is preferable before launching into next level of design detail to avoid retrofit. Same with all other components (time to freeze into standard ones) Still keep several prototypes, but with specs spelled out to the best of known optimum
Understanding operation/tuning requirements in detail Requirement on design parameters (Mij’s, ’s, ……) Requirement on physical dimensions These are most likely the driving factors of the photo-fission design
What/WhereMeasureControl Baseline Beam current Energy at 10 MeV Energy at 50 MeV Phase at buncher Phase at SRF cavities Orbit (Everywhere) Phase Space Longitudinal phase space after buncher z: dP/P: z: dP/P: Longitudinal phase space at 10 MeV z: dP/P: z: dP/P: Transverse phase space after buncher Transverse phase space after cpatures Transverse phase space at 10 MeV Transverse phase space at 50 MeV Transport Transport properties – Longitudinal (<1 MeV) Mij Transport properties – Transverse (Everywhere) Mij Cylindrical symmetry all the way? Transport properties / Operability What to measure? What to control? Where? To What accuracy?
Operation/Tuning Scheme for the first 10 MeV
Physical Dimension? 5 FEET
Again, maybe time to incorporate such considerations into the basic layout before launching into next level detail Avoid inoperable final design Avoid having to redesign from scratch due to dimension changes What are the dimensional constraints?
Optimization Objective Beam properties Low bunch charge scenario High bunch charge scenario Bunch charge16 pc100 pc Rep rate650 MHz<100 MHz FinalEnergy10 MeV50 MeV Emittance 30 m in 50 m out at 10 MeV 1 m in 10 m out at 50 MeV Beam size (95%) 5 mm on target Bunch length 20 deg. 650 MHz in 20 ps in, 1ps out Momentum spread 0.5 keV in 1E-3 at 50 MeV Cost?Not now Intermediate Injection E100 keV 10 MeV beam parameter specs not a challenge for the optimizer 50 MeV specs may have to drive the design, plus other concerns