Click to edit Master title style 1 Energy Savings Assistance Program And California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program Proposed Decision Overview Goals, Budget & Changes July 10, 2012
Click to edit Master title style 2 CARE & ESA Program Goals & Objectives CARE Program: Provide at least a 20% discount on low income customers utility bills. Achieve higher penetration rates over time without substantially increasing the CARE outreach budget. Increase enrollment efficiencies by streamlining the screening, eligibility, and retention of participants in CARE. ESA Program: Serve by 2020, 100% of all eligible and willing customers with cost-effective low income energy efficiency measures. Serve as a resource program garnering significant energy savings in California while improving quality of life. Provide installation of weatherization, energy efficiency measures and minor home repairs to participants at no cost. Provide energy education to help customers reduce energy consumption, resulting in bill savings. Long Term Goals Improve program delivery; Promote the growth of trained low income workforce; Increase collaboration and leveraging with other low income programs and services; Increase participation in the multifamily sector; Provide low income customers with measures that result in the most savings while being cost effective; and Ensure only those qualified are receiving the benefits of the programs.
Click to edit Master title style 3 CARE Program PD Adopted Budget for Cycle Total PG&E$672,301,000$644,316,000$617,600,000$1,934,217,000 SCE $335,551,000$382,365,000$422,422,000 $1,140,338,000 SDG&E $77,589,684$86,588,094$87,588,301 $251,766,080 SoCalGas $136,764,829$137,639,959$139,006,654 $413,411,441 Total$1,222,206,513$1,250,909,053$1,266,616,955$3,739,732, Cycle Total PG&E$675,724,512$647,486,512$620,756,512$1,943,967,537 SCE$342,742,814$389,317,814$429,373,814$1,161,434,442 SDG&E$79,093,723$87,969,690$89,007,449$256,070,862 SoCalGas$145,684,041$146,018,283$147,508,040$439,210,364 Total$1,243,245,090$1,270,792,299$1,286,645,816$3,800,683,205 IOU Proposed Budgets CPUC Proposed Adopted Budget Summary CARE
Click to edit Master title style 4 CARE Program Proposed Decision Adopted Changes & Highlights for IOUs’ proposed CARE program budgets approved, with some modifications, including: Focuses on delivering the program to income eligible customers, but eliminates previous emphasis on a 90% penetration target. Retains current “Categorical Eligibility” list to facilitate CARE Program enrollment, but implements stricter recertification and post enrollment verification practices. Adopts PG&E’s proposal to address High Usage CARE customers, and mandates that policy is implemented statewide, including: CARE electric customers with usage above 600% of baseline have 90 days to drop usage or be removed and barred from the program for 2 years. CARE electric customers with usage between 400%-600% of baseline must undergo PEV and apply for ESA Increases enrollment capitation fees for Community Based Organizations from “up to $15” to “up to $20” Continues outreach efforts with CBOs and local governments.
Click to edit Master title style 5 ESA Program PD Adopted Budget for IOU Proposed Budgets Utility ESAP Cycle Total PG&E$137,904,000$167,525,000$173,422,000$478,851,000 SCE$53,289,000$59,859,000$58,235,000$171,383,000 SDG&E$22,044,929$22,462,163$22,832,030$67,339,122 SoCalGas$99,909,056$82,121,475$84,178,885$266,209,415 Total$313,146,984$331,967,638$338,667,915$983,782,537 CPUC Proposed Adopted Budget Summary Utility ESAP Cycle Total PG&E$132,321,707$160,743,662$166,401,955$459,467,324 SCE$68,205,427$67,866,929$67,965,700$204,038,057 SDG&E$21,587,407$22,011,237$22,386,950$65,985,594 SoCalGas$104,435,701$109,691,308$113,143,742$327,270,751 Total$326,550,243$360,313,136$369,898,347$1,056,761,726
Click to edit Master title style 6 ESA Program PD Recommended Homes Treated Goals for Utility Proposed Number of Homes to be Treated Total Cycle PG&E110,000132, ,000 SCE68,20077,00074,800220,000 SDG&E20,000 60,000 SoCalGas129,106100, ,604 Total327,306329,749327,549984,604 Utility CPUC Proposed Adopted Number of Homes to be Treated Total Cycle PG&E119, ,820 SCE87, ,166 SDG&E20,316 60,948 SoCalGas136, ,272 Total363,735 1,091,206
Click to edit Master title style 7 ESA Program Proposed Decision Adopted Changes & Highlights for Refrigerator replacements criteria approved for pre-1999 units 3 Measure Minimum rule remains in place, and IOUs disallowed from providing education and CFLs alone Cooling measures approved only in extreme climate zones (SCE CZ 14-15) Adds attic insulation, air and envelope sealing, water conservation measures, furnace and water heater repair and replacement (all IOUs) and duct test and seal back into the program Approves all NEW proposed measures Maintains current program delivery model and contractor selection model Coordinates ME&O with other demand side programs; Compliance with recent EE guidance decision to incorporate low income program ME&O issues into a stand-alone ME&O application Approves proposed Energy Education Study and Impact Evaluation Establishes separate working groups to address ESA Program Integration, Workforce Education and Training, Mid-cycle Program Changes, Cost Effectiveness Implements nine immediate Multifamily Segment Strategies and directs a consultant led Multifamily working group to further study and develop a advance a longer term and comprehensive multifamily segment strategy. Establishes an effective leveraging plan between ESA Program and CSD; LIOB subcommittee to carry out MOU objectives.