An Online Instructional Design Studio Albert L. Ingram, Ph.D. Jason Piatt Kent State University
Teaching Instructional Design Depends on approach to ID ◦ Is it an algorithmic process? ◦ Is it a design discipline? Solving problems
Teaching ID as Problem Solving Look at other fields ◦ Design Studios (Architecture, visual design, interior design, etc.) Design Studios in ID ◦ University of Georgia
An Online Instructional Design Studio
Characteristics of a Design Studio Group work/Individual Work Full class for background, assignments, examples and critiques Ongoing groupwork on projects Highly collaborative Open and interactive
Characteristics of a Design Studio Communication among students Communication between students and instructor Present assignments/products Critiques by instructor and other students Learning by Walking Around (Peters and Waterman, In search of excellence)
Implementing an Online Studio Learning/Teaching Processes Group work Teamwork Collaboration Individual accountability Critiques
Implementing an Online Studio Technological Needs ◦ Strong Sense of Presence ◦ Asynchronous and Synchronous ◦ Easy communications via multiple channels ◦ Software tools to create and display products Text, Graphics, Audio, Video
Technology Affordances View and edit projects while communicating Easy file system Easy to divide into groups AND come together as a class Tracking Capability
WHERE WE STAND NOW Processes ◦ Collaboration ◦ Critique Technologies The Course
Coming Steps Modifying the car while driving it Moving to group projects Providing hybrid workspaces with various tools Research on collaborative processes Research on critique process
Further Information