前進總統府 Student: Jui-Wen Huang ID: /1/6
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Method 3.Operation 4.Demo 5.References 2012/1/6 2
1. Introduction It is a shooting game Platform CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Memory:4.00GB OS:Windows 7 Software:Visual C Professional Edition Other:OpenGL 2012/1/6 3
1.Introduction(2) The back ground is in front of the presidential palace with moving ground and sky. Players must shoot the target until the end of the game. 2012/1/6 4
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Method 3.Operation 4.Demo 5.References 2012/1/6 5
Use texture creates the scene. Use variable “roll” to move ground and sky. 2012/1/6 6 2.Method
2.Method(2) Use TGA format image replaces BMP format image, because TGA image has alpha channel. It makes the target more realizable. Use Adobe Photoshop to create TGA format image. 2012/1/6 7
2.Method(3) Use mouse to control muzzle. When the target is hit, explosion occur at the same time. It is difficult to know object’s position and mouse position. If player click bottom in the right way and explosion happened at the same time. We should link all the things to finish this project. 2012/1/6 8
2.Method(4) Object structure can control object direction, texture ID, object position, object spin. Massive use random function. Massive use call back function. 2012/1/6 9
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Method 3.Operation 4.Demo 5.References 2012/1/6 10
3.Operation 1.choose “ 是 ” for full screen, choose “ 否 ” for window size=640x480 2.F1:full screen 3.Use mouse to shoot the targets 4.Has a sound when click mouse 5.Can know score and morale at bottom right 6.When morale=0, click space key to restart game. 7.Esc to quit the window. 2012/1/6 11
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Method 3.Operation 4.Demo 5.References 2012/1/6 12
4.Demo 1.DemoDemo 2012/1/6 13
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Method 3.Operation 4.Demo 5.References 2012/1/6 14
5.References 1.MSDN 2.NeHe Productions 2. OpenGL Programming Guide 3.OpenGL 入門學習 html html 4.Programmer Club /1/6 15