Login & Logout
What is a Login & Logout Test? A Login & Logout test will validate a user authentification process by simulating a user login-logout sequence on your WebSite.
Login & Logout: Start at WebSite Login Prompt Step 1 of 10 Begin the Login & Logout Test by navigating to the page with your Login authentification system.
Login & Logout: Record the Script Step 2 of 10 Record the script by selecting Record > Start Recording, from the eValid pulldown menu.
Login & Logout: Incorrect User Name Step 3 of 10 Then, try entering the site with an incorrect username and password combination.
Login & Logout: Validate Failed Login Text Step 4 of 10 Validate some text that indicates that the login has failed, by first selecting and highlighting the text.
Login & Logout: Validate Failed Login Text Step 5 of 10 Then use Record > Validate > Selected > Text, from the eValid pulldown menu.
Login & Logout: Initiate a Correct Login Step 6 of 10 Login again, this time with the correct username and password combination.
Login & Logout: Validate Correct Login Text Step 7 of 10 Validate text that confirms a successful login.
Login & Logout: Logout & Validate Step 8 of 10 Initiate a Logout sequence and validate text that refers to a successful logout.
Login & Logout: Logout & Validate Step 9 of 10 End recording with Record > Stop Recording, from the eValid pulldown menu.
Login & Logout: Logout & Validate Step 10 of 10 You can now select Playback > Start Playback to run your script. You may also be interested in using the Playback > Control Playback features which include running the script a preset number of times, single step, or forever.
Secure Site or Security Breach? This test will ensure that your site is behaving as the designers intended the security system to work, as well as indicating any possible breaches in security.