+ Do Now September 29, 2015
+ Objective SWBAT identify a narrator or character’s point of view IOT analyze how an author develops and contrasts points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.
+ Finish your project. Staple the rubric to the FRONT with your name on it. When finished…take out a book.
+ Whisper Read your draft to yourself – correct any mistakes.
+ New Seats
+ Do Now September 30, 2015
+ Objective SWBAT write informative/ explanatory texts IOT examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information clearly.
+ Everyone Money is written with the $ sign in front of the amount, not dollars behind it. $1,000,000 reads one million dollars. $25 reads twenty five dollars
+ 381 Eliminate “thing” and “like” CAPITALIZE PROPER NOUNS. Misconception: you cannot buy your way into college Don’t use colloquial words/phrases Gonna LOL Indent your paragraphs!
+ 371 FRAGMENTS. Periods just don’t go wherever you want, you must complete a thought. Run on Sentences – having too many ideas in one sentence Introduction
+ 372 Be creative! Let the reader see who you are Colloquials Lol Gonna Eliminate “stuff” and “things” CAPITALIZE THE FIRST WORD OF SENTENCES AND PROPER NOUNS.
+ 382 Creative introductions: All of you said “What would I do with 1,000,000 dollars?” Don’t reference the essay “Before I end “ “In this essay,” “As you can see in my body paragraphs” “Here are some reasons why I’d do it” NOOOOOO THING. STOP SAYING THING. Justify your choice with an explanation that relates to the reader.
+ 5 paragraph essay Introduction Topic sentence Engaging line Body paragraphs Main idea Supporting details Explains why Relates to the reader Conclusion Sums your argument Reexplains why
+ Introduction Paragraphs
+ What NOT to do… Announce your intentions In this paper I will.. The purpose of this essay is… I’m going to tell you about... Apologize – You are in charge! You are telling, not asking! I think I would… In my opinion
+ What TO do: Get the reader’s interest Let the reader know what the writing will be about Include a thesis or topic sentence that tells the reader what the paper will be about.
+ Example “I wanna be a millionaire so freaking bad. Buy all the things I never had.” In his song, Millionaire, Bruno Mars tells his plans for becoming a millionaire, but I have different intentions. The idea of spending $1,000,000 is tough to grasp but I would begin by distributing the wealth. Charities are an important part of any community, so I would begin by donating to the local nonprofit organization. Then I would save for my future, as well as ensure my family was living a life of luxury. The distribution of my money would benefit many people instead of just myself.
+ How else could we make an introduction?
+ Do Now October 1, 2015
+ Objective SWBAT describe the relationships between key characters and events IOT analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. SWBAT identify the theme or central idea of a text IOT analyze its development over the course of a text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot.
+ Vocabulary Character trait: the special qualities of personality that writers give their characters Evidence: the place in the story that proves your idea Generalization: a vague or indefinite statement that is made to cover many cases. Example: “All human beings hope for something.”
+ Traits about Miss Brown Now find evidence for the description
+ Do Now October 2, 2015
+ Objective SWBAT describe the relationships between key characters and events IOT analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. SWBAT identify the theme or central idea of a text IOT analyze its development over the course of a text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot.
+ Textbooks The Treasure of Lemon Brown – pg 478 green textbook (8 th grade) Thank You Ma’m – pg 126 red textbook (7 th grade)
+ Example of Character Traits Handout
+ Character Trait Practice
+ Vocabulary Characterization:A literary device that is used step by step in literature to highlight and explain the details about a character in a story. It develops the personality of a character.
+ Types of Characterization An author can use two approaches to deliver information about a character and build an image of it:
+ Direct characterization This kind of characterization takes a direct approach towards building the character. It uses another character, narrator or the protagonist himself to tell the readers or audience about the subject.protagonist Information about the character is directly stated.
+ Indirect (implicit) characterization We learn about the character through thoughts, actions, and dialogue. We must infer what the character is like. It is not directly stated.
+ Types of Characters
+ Types of Characterization Dynamic Characters: experience changes throughout the plot of a story. Static Characters: do not experience basic character changes during the course of the story.
+ The Difference Remember, the difference between direct characterization and indirect characterization is TELLING v. SHOWING! Indirect characterizations are like clues about the characters. There is no mystery with direct characterization because the author gives us the information we need to know!
+ FAST Characterization FeelingsActions SayingThoughts Character Name
+ Character Report Card