Planning for Leaving College What now?
I don’t have any plans yet There are lots of ways to get ideas signposted on careers, myday. You can make an careers appointment by asking any college reception.
Want to do an apprenticeship? Check the resources on myday and for updates on the careers blog Apprenticeships Application Event for Year 13 OSFC Students on Thursday 21 st April 2016 in College. 1 – 4 pm. More details out in March
Art Foundation Courses You may have already applied to The Oldham College with the support and recommendation of the OSFC Art Department. Or applied elsewhere. Ask if you still want to apply or check online.
What happens now with UCAS? Interviews/ selection days Open Days Replies – offers or not
What should students be doing now? Visit the universities if you haven’t already Consider your mock exam results before you accept so you know you are on track to meet the offers Decide in spring 2015 – first deadline to accept on UCAS Track is early May. You will be given your own date once you have all your offers.
I haven’t got any offers :O( Replies for vocational courses eg medicine tend take longer than subjects If you have no offers, and have all your decisions, you can Add additional choices through UCAS Extra You may decide to take a gap year and apply again to start in Sep 2017 Read up on Extra on Make an appointment for Careers Advice at any college reception to discuss your individual situation.
UCAS Extra Is ideal for people who have changed their minds about they want to do or for people who have not had any offers eg for a very competitive course. If you are still awaiting replies for courses you are keen to do, you should hear back in March. Extra starts on February 25 th but there will be time to wait for your replies and still use Extra.
UCAS Extra You must have used all 5 choices and have no offers or have rejected any offers or withdrawn from choices. ie hold no offers but have all your replies! You can only add one extra choice at a time through UCAS Track. Extra courses are listed on UCAS search from 25 th February. You may need to write a new Personal Statement if applying for a new subject and ring the university to see if you can send it by . Extra runs from 25 th Feb to Early July so there is no need to rush into anything!
Clearing Happens on results day for students who… Don’t meet the conditions of their firm offer and insurance offer and are subsequently rejected Put in a very late application LIMITTED COURES AND UNIVERSITIES HAVE PLACES IN CLEARING. IF NOT IN EXTRA, IT’S UNLIKELY TO BE IN CLEARING BUT UNIVERSITIES DON’T KNOW UNTIL RESULTS ARE AVAILABLE.
If you are going to university you will need to apply for Student Finance Student Finance Explained Film Student Finance Zone at The Student Room
Links on MyDay Applications for 2016 Start available from 29 th February*. * Date correct at time of writing.
Do you know your facts about HE finance? 1 How much will you need to pay up front for tuition fees before you go to uni? £9,000 £6,250 £0
Answer 1 How much will you need to pay up front for tuition fees before you go to uni? £0 You’ll only have to pay money back after you leave your course.
2 Where does the tuition loan money get paid to? My bank account My parent’s bank account Direct to my university
Answer 2 Where does the tuition loan money get paid to? Direct to my university
3. Which of the following is the maintenance loan intended to cover? Food Travel Leisure Accommodation Books
ANSWER 3. Which of the following is the maintenance loan intended to cover? Food Travel Leisure Accommodation Books All of these and anything else you can think of that you might spend money on day to day. You will need to budget carefully and many students also work part time.
4. 3 graduates start a graduate training programme with the same company, each earning £27,000. Aysha studied in London, living away from home. Her student loan come to £45,672 Ben studied in Nottingham, living away from home. His student loan comes to £38,865 Connor studied in Manchester and lived at home. His student loan comes to £35,901 Who will pay the most back on their student loan per month?
Nobody – they all pay £45 per month Repayments are based on earnings, not debt. 9% of any earnings over £21000 per year. £27000 – = £6000 To find 9%, 6000/100 X 9 = £540 per year To find per month, £540 /12 = £45 per month
What happens after 30 years of repayments?
Any debts that have not been paid are written off. So if our 3 graduates followed the same career path and had equal earnings throughout their careers, they would all repay the same amount but varying amounts would be written off after 30 years. This is ok! It’s part of the system.
Reports estimate that around 75% of graduates will have loans written off after 30 years. (The Government may need to rethink how they fund Higher Education if their sums don’t add up.) BUT what does this mean for you?
A recent report estimated that 75% of graduates will have loans written off after 30 years. What does this mean for you? Only the to 25% highest graduate earners will ever pay off the whole debt. The idea of not paying a debt may be uncomfortable to some but it is part of the agreement. It’s ok! It’s not dodgy! Repayments are more like tax than a loan. Would you worry about not paying enough tax to the government?
What are bursaries and scholarships?
Answer Free money supplied by your university. Each university decides on their own eligibility criteria so check with your chosen university to see what they’re offering and whether you’re eligible – on their websites. Criteria could include your household income, excellent grades, completing a particular programme or other factors.
Student Finance Apply online One form for you One form for parent/guardian at home about household income You don’t need to know where you are going before you apply – just put where you hope to go and update it later if it changes Applications are due to be available from 29 th February 2016* See link on The Student Room * Date correct at time of writing
As well as applying for student finance online, you might also complete Applications forms for bursaries or scholarships for your particular university Disabled Student’s Allowances forms Funding for NHS Students forms – at the time of writing, NHS bursaries will still be available for those starting courses in Sep It is scheduled to change after that.