Run faster!!! By: Steven Hinshaw
Problem Which kind of pop effects your physical ability more? Regular or diet?
Introduction Have you ever felt that felling after doing physical active wile you drank pop before that you feel like throwing up? And dose diet pop affect your physical ability more?
Background information "The Health Effects of Drinking Soda - Quotes from the Experts." Natural Health News. Web. 17 Jan "The Dangers of Diet Soda." Get Fit Slowly — Physical Fitness That Makes Sense. Web. 17 Jan Terrorists', 'Islamic. "Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.: Diet Soda and Your Teeth: A Healthy Mix?" Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Web. 17 Jan
Hypothesis I think that regular pops will affect the you physical ability more, in the better affect.
Material 10 testeys 1 diet pops, diet Pepsi 1 regular pops, Pepsi
Procedure 1.get one 1liter regular Pepsi, one 1liter diet Pepsi 2.get 10 testers 3.have each tester run a down back down 4.record time 5.have each one drink 50 ml of regular pop 6.record time 7.repeat steps 3-6 with diet pop
Variables Independent: dose pop effect your physical ability? Dependant: running down back down. Controlled: pop
Results Without pop T.17.3SW C.19.8CS N.19.2EL.16.4 Z.18.0KS.19.6 S.19.4CB.18.5
Results W/ regular pop T.16.7SW C.19.8CS N.19.2EL Z.18.0KS S.20.4CB.19.3
Results W/ diet pop T.15.89SW C.17.3CS.22.7 N.20.3EL.18.3 Z.16.34KS S.18.2CB.20.7
Conclusion For some people pop made them slower but more often it didn’t change there speed
Possible cause of error If I didn’t wait till the pop had gotten in there system then it wouldn’t relly effect there running
Time spent , 30 min , 45 min , 25 min , 45 min , 30 min , 80 min , 40 min , 40 min , 50 min , 80 min , 30 min , 40 min , 30 min , 30 min , 80 min.
Acknowledgements Thanks to: Tristen, Caleb, Nick, Zane, Shane, Emma, Cristina, Keena, Chrys for running in my experiment.