ICS 61 – The Game Improves through Iteration Based on Schell, ch. 8 Winter, 2015
The quality of a software product is greatly influenced by the process used to create it.
The quality of a term paper product is greatly influenced by the process used to create it.
The Rule of the Loop: The more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be.
Design Test
The Rule of the Loop: The more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be. This is not a lens or a perspective on games. It is an absolute truth.
The Rule of the Loop: The more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be. This is not a lens or a perspective on game. It is an absolute truth. By the way, it is equally true for design, art, and programming.
The Rule of the Loop: The more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be. 1.How can I make every loop count? 2.How can I loop as fast as possible?
The Waterfall Software Process Model
Spiral Model
Great ideas from the Spiral Model: 1.Risk Assessment 2.Prototyping 3.Looping
Great ideas from the Spiral Model: 1.Risk Assessment 2.Prototyping 3.Looping Applied to game design: 1.Design 2.Identify greatest risks in the design 3.Build prototypes to assess those risks 4.Test the prototypes 5.If time hasn’t run out, go to step 1
“Agile” software development …expects change – in goals, schedules, personnel, … The Agile Manifesto We value 1.Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 2.Working software over comprehensive documentation 3.Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 4.Responding to change over following a plan