Renaissance By Gabrielle Bear and Josh King.
Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa A highly talented painter, but also a writer, inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, musician, and philosopher. The Last Supper
William Shakespeare Believed to be the greatest English playwright. Through his plays, he helped spread the ideas of Renaissance to a mass audience. Romeo and Juliet, Henry V, Midsummer’s Night Dream, etc… What’s he that wishes so?
Johannes Gutenburg Invented a better version of the printing press. Cast the letters of the alphabet onto metal plates and locked them into a wooden printing press.
Martin Luther 95 Theses He was first excommunicated and then handed down the Edict of Worms. He unintentionally started Lutheranism. God’s grace can be won by good works. Faith alone is all that’s needed.
John Calvin SWISS. The 2 nd most important protestant reformer. Preached the doctrine of predestination.
Teresa of Avila Become a nun at the age of 20. Ran away to a convent. Followed her own strict rules regarding prayer, fasting, and sleep. Contributed to the Catholic Church by stopping people from conforming. Reformed the Carmelite order.
Michelangelo Buonarroti Sistine Chapel Pieta David Very successful artists
Lorenzo De Medici Ruler of Florence and a Major patron of the arts. Both Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci lived in Florence under his rule.
Sir Tomas More Utopia, a book, was written by him. Known as the best humanitist of his time
Elizabeth I Has an age named after her and her time is known as the Golden Age of England. Daughter of King Henry the VIII and his second wife.
Henry VIII Had six wives and married his own daughter. Known as a “Defender of the Faith” he did not agree with Martin Luther’s reformists ideals His Daughter was a better leader and ruler than he was and is better known than him.
Ignatius of Loyola Creator of the Jesuits, or the people of Jesus. He was a major counter- reformer, meaning that he defended the Church and Christianity. He was trained as a Knight but later became a Saint.