Besides my family and friends, simply life made me who I am, so I thought I just tell you some parts of my story:
My Name is Shanna. I was born in 1988 in a small village in Russia. My family moved to Germany when I was 4 years old to a small village in Southern Germany.
In my school days I spent a lot of my time with Jazz dance, drawing, playing the piano and singing in the choir. It seemed obvious, that I was going to study something creative someday. But I didn’t. I guess, I was just too scared to fail.
So it happened that I graduated from school and had no idea what to do next. To find out what I truly want to study, I packed my stuff and traveled for a few weeks in Europe and worked as a waitress.
Well, I am quite good with numbers. So - clever me - I started a Bachelor of Science in Economics in Mainz. You can’t do something wrong with that, right? On a little break from studying at the ‘Oktober- fest’ in Munich in 2009 I met my boyfriend. B.Sc.
In 2012 we moved to Berlin. In 2013 I volunteered in a workcamp in Indonesia and traveled through South East Asia.
During all that time I made my first working experiences: Internships at a Start-up in Munich and at Hugo Boss in Metzingen. I also worked as a Working Student at home24 and ImmobilienScout24 in Berlin. Internship Working Student Self Employment
And when I’m not studying or working, I love spending time with people I love and care about. Talking, loughing, enjoying. Despite that, traveling, exploring new things and my cute little dog are very important to me!
Since Winter semester 2013/14 I study Business Psychology (M.A.) in Berlin. And that is why I have the opportunity to join the summer camp in Treuchtlingen with you.
I‘m excited to meet you all!