By Laura Cummings Amy Borngrebe
Giovanni Boccaccio Poet Lived in Florence and Naples
Petrarch Italian scholar, poet, humanist Famous for poems addressed to me Became poet laureate in Rome Perfected the style of sonnets
Baldassare Castiglione Wrote the Courtier Italian
Niccole Machiavelli Wrote The Prince “the ends justify the means”
Copernicus First to say sun was center of the earth Backed down from church “On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres”
Galileo Galilei Italian astronomer Invented telescope Confined to house arrest because he said the earth revolved around the sun
Michelangelo Buonarroti Sculpted David Studied at the Medici school Carved the Pieta in St. Paul Basilica
Lorenzo de Medici Part of the Medici In Florence, very wealthy and supported of the arts
Martin Luther Started the protestant reformation Began as a monk
John Calvin Preached predestination, or God knows who will be saved Second biggest protestant reformer
Elizabeth 1 Protestant queen Daughter of Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII Annulled his first marriage Became head of the church of England Had 6 wives
Queen Mary I Became queen of England after Henry VIII Burned hundreds of protestants at the stake Became known as Bloody Mary
Ulrich Zwingli Was a radical reformation priest from Switzerland Created notion of theocracy, or government in which church and state are joined
Bramante Created the design for St. Paul Cathedral
Raphael Raffaello Sanzio His most famous work Known for paintings of Madonna
Johannes Gutenberg First European printing press Letters on metal Helped make printing faster and cheaper
Desiderious Erasmus Priest in Netherlands Wrote about pure and simple Christian life Writings were condemned by church and censored
Sit Thomas More English statesman Wrote book of a non existent society
Shakespeare English Playwright Spread humanism through his plays
Christine de Pisan Wrote of the roles of women in society Wrote to support herself
Albrecht Durer Visited Italy in the late 1400s Was an artist who use oil paints
Jan Van Eyck Flemish Painter Painted landscapes and domestic life
Ignatius of Loyola Basque nobleman Emphasized on the obedience of the church
Charles Borromeo Archbishop of Milan Implemented reforms by the council of Trent
Francis of Sales Helped turn the people of Savoy to Catholics Founded religious teaching order for women
Teresa of Avila Born in Spain Reformed the Carmelite Order
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Began a war with Lutheran princes in Germany