’60 = an invention of the US army Universities and libraries also start to use this communication tool Protocol + physical network=> backbone of the internet ’90:Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailleau introduce HTML=> WWW is born History
What is the Internet? Worldwide network of computers and servers Connected to each other By satellite, modem and cable
Host asks info – Server has got info and distributes it on request Unique IP-address (cfr ) Language between PC’s= TCP/IP-protocol
The different Services WWW (World Wide Web) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Usenet
The World Wide Web...
Collection of PC’s that share documents, images and multimedia over the internet Main feature=hyperlinks Communicates via HTTP-protocol (cfr TCP-IP) Code to compose web pages = HTML
Web Browser Necessary to surf! User friendly “Translates” the HTML code to the page as we see it. Internet Explorer / Netscape
Web – Web Pages Home page Hyperlinks=>click and surf URL (uniform resource locator) Image Maps Chat Download