10-5 Oct. 13 and 14 1 student in each lab group will need a working flashlight. NO CELL PHONE Flashlights. HW: Vocab flip books due Learning Target: Students will learn EQ #5. Success Criteria: Rocky Planet video and begin Planet Poster Do Now: List as many planets as you can in order starting with planet closest to the sun.
10-6 Flip books due today. HW: Polish your Planet Poster with the rocky and outer planets. Learning Target: Student will learn EQ #5. Success Criteria: Outer planet video and continue work on Planet Poster - outer planets. Do Now: Without looking, name the first four planets in our solar system in order from closest to the sun outward. What are the 3 nicknames for these planets?
10-7 Oct. 13 and 14 1 student in each lab group will need a working flashlight. NO CELL PHONE Flashlights. HW: Polish your Colorful Planet Poster and check Skyward for missing work... Learning Target: Student will learn about EQ’s # 4, 5 and 6. Success Criteria: How Far is it? PowerPoint and class discussion. Do Now: Compare and contrast: Comet and Asteroid.
10-8 No school T m rr w. HW: None if you are all caught up, enjoy your 3 day. Oct. 13 and 14 1 student in each lab group will need a working flashlight. NO CELL PHONE Flashlights. Learning Target: Student will learn EQ’s 1-6 with an extended lesson. Success Criteria: To be updated when Austin, Suzan and you talk about which video to view. Do Now: How big is the universe?