SCULPTEUR Semantic and content-based multimedia exploitation for European benefit Figure of winged Victory, Greek, about BC Probably made at Myrina, western Asia Minor (modern Turkey). The British Museum IST Giorgio Da Bormida Project coordinator GIUNTI Interactive Labs
IST SCULPTEUR – IST Rationale Digital libraries provide a way to share and improve the quality of information for museums and galleries. Museums need support for multimedia, 3D object and information management. Semantic Web technologies can help structure and complete metadata that is often missing or hard to generate
IST SCULPTEUR – IST Objectives Extend digital library technology to support more diverse multimedia objects Use semantic web technologies to generate, structure and link together meta data in museum collections Influence and develop digital library standards Develop eLearning products that can access and use multimedia digital libraries
IST SCULPTEUR – IST Target users and expected results Users in the fine arts Galleries and museums across Europe Historians and publishing houses Results Complete software system based on off- the-shelf database technology 3D image content analysis algorithms Tools for building, maintaining and searching collection meta-data
IST SCULPTEUR – IST Innovations Storage and retrieval of 3D multimedia objects Algorithms for content-based analysis of 3D objects Seamless querying and navigation through distributed digital libraries New protocols for interoperability between digital libraries
IST SCULPTEUR – IST Topics for FP6 How to refactor and restructure digital libraries using semantic web techniques and standards? How to apply reasoning and inferencing techniques to generate new knowledge? How to develop digital libraries to allow sharing of large multimedia objects as well as meta data?
IST SCULPTEUR – IST Consortium details Giunti Interactive Labs (Coordinator) IT Innovation Centre The National Gallery Direction Des Musees de Cherbourg-Octeville Uffizi University of Southampton, ECS - IAM Group Victoria and Albert Museum Centrica Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Telecommunications Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France Budget on € 2.89M (EC € 2.0M) 38.5 man years over 36 months