SBI 4U December 2012 Manipulating & Cloning DNA
Introduction Insulin, diabetes and genetic engineering Genetic engineering: the intentional production of new genes and alteration of genomes by the substitution or introduction of new genetic material Bacteria and versatility reproduce fast, inexpensive and contain plasmids
Introduction Recombinant DNA: a DNA strand that is created using DNA pieces from two or more sources. Ex: E.coli and biosynthetic insulin
Restriction Enzymes Restriction enzyme: an enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific location in a base sequence; also called restriction endonuclease; 2500 have been found! Each restriction enzyme recognizes a specific sequence of nucleotides on a DNA strand recognition site When restriction enzyme cuts DNA molecule, the pieces are called restriction fragments
Restriction Enzymes Restriction enzymes cut only at one recognition site and in one direction Ex: EcoRI 1) Enzyme EcoRI bind to a recognition site with base pair 5’- GAATTC-3’ 2) EcoRI cuts bond phosphodiester bonds between this sequence and the DNA backbone 3) Another EcoRI makes the same cut in the complementary DNA strand 4) Result: complementary “sticky” ends
Restriction Enzymes 2 possible outcomes: blunt ends and sticky ends Blunt end: the end that remains after restriction enzymes cut straight across a DNA strand Sticky end: the end that remains after restriction enzymes cut on a zigzag across a DNA strand
Restriction Enzymes What is the function of restriction enzymes? In essence, their function is to protect the cells in which they are found. Ex: viral DNA/RNA injected into bacterial cell
DNA Ligase DNA Ligase: enzyme that is used to join cut strands of DNA Works best with sticky ends 2 nd form T4 DNA ligase – works well with blunt ends
Plasmids Plasmids: small, circular loops of DNA found in bacteria Replicate independently Mutations of plasmids A cell that is able to take up foreign DNA is called a competent cell
Plasmids A plasmid designed to transfer foreign genetic material into a cell is called a vector The copy number is variable what happens if the copy number is high? Ex: insulin