Study Guide Answers
Electric Field
It can travel through empty space and matter.
Amperes (Amps)
By alternating electric and magnetic waves.
By Wavelength
Energy source, load and wires.
North/south pole, magnetic force, magnetic field
When a person can see objects up close but they look blurry far away.
120V Alternating Current
Alternating current can go in both directions whereas direct current can only go in one direction.
When an object absorbs light waves.
When Sun’s light particles get trapped in the magnetosphere and enter Earth’s atmosphere and react with Nitrogen and Oxygen.
Where charges enter or exit a cell.
The bending of light around a hole or opening.
When something bounces off of an object at the sample angle that it entered at.
The bending of light when light enters into a new substance.
When a wave bounces off an object in multiple directions.
A conductor allows electricity to pass through it easily like metal. An insulator does not allow an object to pass electricity easily like wood.
A parallel circuit can go in numerous paths and the current is the same at all points. A series circuit can only go one path and the current is not the same at all points.
Color addition is the adding of colors of light. (all colors make white light) Color subtraction is the combining of pigments. (all colors combine to make black)
Constructive interference is when two waves combine to make a wave with a greater amplitude. Destructive interference is when two waves combine to make a wave with a smaller amplitude.
Earth’s magnetic poles are the points on Earth’s surface where its magnetic forces are the strongest. Geographic North is the top most part of Earth.
Induction is the transfer of electric charges by being close to an object. (no contact) Conduction is the transfer of electric charges by direct contact.
The entire range of electromagnetic waves.
P = E x t
300,000,000 m/s
Off of any no smooth surface or particle in the air.
If resistance increases, current decreases If resistance decreases, current increases
If voltage increases, current increases. If voltage decreases, current decreases.
Magnetic North
Transmit Light
It reflects the Sun’s light
Convection occurs in air and conduction occurs when two objects are in contact.
The Sun
Test is Wednesday 3/28/2012