Brent M. Dingle Game Design and Development Program Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science University of Wisconsin - Stout
Keep it simple How “good” it looks varies by need and skill Should give the feel and idea of what is desired Even very simple drawings can achieve this Simple drawings take very little time Skill level often determines what “simple” is
You do not have to be an artist to make a sketch to convey an idea or feel of what is desired. Example: Sports plays use X’s, O’s, and arrows. It’s fast, easy, and conveys the idea. Important part is to convey the feel and idea
Quick Sketching is as far as is needed for the Pitch or Inception Document Public Domain Image Taken from Wikipedia June 2014
Concept Art from Project Scarab by Justin Kelly, 2007
Concept Art from Circuit Savior by Hue Vang 2014
Concept Art from Patman by Patrick Luque, 2006
Concept art for Helm of the Winter King by Zach Chapman 2013
Concept art for Golem of Psalms as presented by Brandy Boothby 2012
Storyboards may be useful in Game Pitch Creating prototypes Explaining Gameplay and Mechanics Typically are not part of an Inception Document Will be needed later as development progresses
See also xxxx_Examples_ConceptArt.docx xxxx_Examples_StoryBoards.docx