Discuss with your neighbor: What is this cartoon illustrating? Describe the details of each event in this cartoon.
Causes of Russian Revolution Divide the next page in your notebook into 6 sections. Label each section one of the following topic/event. In your group, describe how each led to revolution and write it down in the sections. 1.Policies of the czars 2.Industrialization 3.Russo-Japanese War 4.“Bloody” Sunday 5.WWI 6.The March Revolution
Causes of the Russian Revolution 1.Policies of the czars Strict control: censorship, secret police spied on people, persecuted minorities, refused to change Caused unrest among the masses 2.Industrialization Bad working conditions and low pay, child labor, low standards of living, no labor unions, large gap between rich and poor Created revolutionary groups who wanted change 3.Russo-Japanese War Continued losses revealed the Czar’s weakness and upset Russians Led to a revolt during the war 4.“Bloody” Sunday Protesters demanding better working conditions and reforms were massacred. Created strikes and violence across the country. Czar created the Duma, Russia’s 1 st parliament 5.WWI Showed weakness of Czar’s rule and military leadership. Unprepared for war, mass loss of life, low morale among soldiers, low supplies at home. 6.The March Revolution Women workers led a strike. Riots over bread and food shortages, soldiers join the rioters, Czar steps down. Duma sets up a provisional government
The Bolshevik Revolution Divide the next page in your notebook into 3 sections. Label each section one of the following topic/event. In your group, describe how each event led to the Bolsheviks coming to power 1.November 1917 Revolution 2.Civil War between Red and White Armies 3.Organization of Russia into republics
The Bolshevik Revolution 1.November 1917 Revolution Armed factory workers overthrew provisional gov’ts, workers were given control of factories, Russia pulls out of WWI 2.Civil War between Red and White Armies Groups opposed to Bolsheviks united to create the White Army, millions died, famine, Bolsheviks showed they could seize power and maintain it. 3.Organization of Russia into republics Centralized government unified the country
Russian Revolution Cartoon
Choose 3 events/topics leading to the revolution and draw them Draw the events of the revolution Use the same format as this cartoon Use information from your notebook, text book, and group work Create a cartoon illustrating the Russian Revolution
Marx & Lenin Venn Diagram On the next page of your notebook, create a Venn Diagram. Label on side Lenin and the other Marx Same History is story of class struggle Struggle between capitalist and proletariat Proletariats would grow in size and conditions would get worse leading to revolution Different Lenin: struggle between capitalist and proletariat & peasants Lenin: Proletariats and peasants must be lead by professional revolutionaries Marx: Revolution would end with proletariats in control Lenin: Revolution would end with a single party controlling a centralized gov’t