The Detector Design and Integration with the Accelerator Lattice* Charles Hyde Old Dominion University Norfolk VA, USA And the Design Team, with additional input from the Generic EIC Detector R&D Collaborations The 6 th International Conference on the Physics Opportunities at an ElecTron-Ion Collider POETIC VI, 7-11 Sept 2015, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau France * The opinions and errors expressed are entirely those of the speaker…
The Electron Ion Collider The Glue That Binds Us All: arXiv: The Glue That Binds Us All: arXiv: An ideal tool for the study of the QCD structure of matter (quarks too). An ideal tool for the study of the QCD structure of matter (quarks too). High Luminosity High Luminosity High CM Energy High CM Energy Broad Q 2 range for studying evolution, higher-twist observables Broad Q 2 range for studying evolution, higher-twist observables Low-x Bj while still in DIS range Q 2 >2 GeV 2 to study transition from DGLAP evolution to Gluon Saturation. Low-x Bj while still in DIS range Q 2 >2 GeV 2 to study transition from DGLAP evolution to Gluon Saturation. Transverse and longitudinal polarization of light ions Transverse and longitudinal polarization of light ions 3-D imaging in space and momentum: flavor and spin separated 3-D imaging in space and momentum: flavor and spin separated Full suite of isotope species across the periodic chart: Hydrogen to Uranium Full suite of isotope species across the periodic chart: Hydrogen to Uranium Hadronization in the nuclear medium Hadronization in the nuclear medium 3-D imaging 3-D imaging The Gluonic EMC effect The Gluonic EMC effect Gluon Saturation. Gluon Saturation. Hermetic detector, covering full range from exclusive projectile remnants to 0° e – tagging of quasi-real virtual photons Hermetic detector, covering full range from exclusive projectile remnants to 0° e – tagging of quasi-real virtual photons Outside 10 Beam Stay Clear (longitudinal and transverse) Outside 10 Beam Stay Clear (longitudinal and transverse) 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI2
Site Plan IP1: Full Acceptance Detector IP2: Jets, ePHENIX Detector IP1 IP2 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI3
Interaction Point Optics Horizontal Focus Quad Horizontal Focus Quad Vertical Focus Quad Vertical Focus Quad Dipole; IP Solenoid/Central Detector Dipole; IP Solenoid/Central Detector e–e– Figure-8 Crossing ions Compton Polarimeter Chicane & 0° e – Tagger 40 m ZDC Far Forward Tracker: Exclusive Reactions, Projectile (Baryon) Fragments 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI4
Following J. Bjorken’s Vision: Full Coverage: ion rapidity to e – rapidity Uniform detector density per unit rapidity 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI5 5.3 m e–e– Z = m ions Compton Polarimeter Chicane, 0° e – Tagger (Q 2 ~m e 2 ) A.Camsonne, Friday: Future Facilities Far-Forward Spectrometer K.Park, Friday: Future Facilities Secondary focus e–e– ZDC IP
ep, ed, e 3 He physics & Detector Polarized Semi-Inclusive DIS: Broad Range PID Polarized Semi-Inclusive DIS: Broad Range PID Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Dist. Functions (TMDs) 3-D momentum imaging. High Luminosity Transition to pQCD p T dependence Projectile Fracture Distributions (x F < 0): Forward Dipole & Tracker Flavor-Momentum correlations between target-jet and current-jet hadrons. Flavor-Momentum correlations between target-jet and current-jet hadrons. 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI6 Deep Virtual Exclusive Scattering Far-Forward Spectrometer, Hermeticity, Luminosity Deep Virtual Exclusive Scattering Far-Forward Spectrometer, Hermeticity, Luminosity Generalized Parton Distributions (Twist-2 and -3) Generalized Parton Distributions (Twist-2 and -3) Transverse Spatial Imaging Transverse Spatial Imaging Quark and Gluon Orbital Angular Momentum Quark and Gluon Orbital Angular Momentum Spectator Tagging: D, 3 He Beams Far-Forward Spectrometer, High-Resolution ZDC Spectator Tagging: D, 3 He Beams Far-Forward Spectrometer, High-Resolution ZDC Neutron Structure Functions, Bjorken Sum Rule, g(x). Neutron Structure Functions, Bjorken Sum Rule, g(x). u/d flavor separation: GPDs, TMDsu/d flavor separation: GPDs, TMDs Transverse and Longitudinal Polarized Ion Beams Longitudinal Polarized Electron Beam
eA physics & Detector Current-jet and Projectile-jet fragmentation Current-jet and Projectile-jet fragmentation Hadronization Mechanism Hadronization Mechanism Gluon Saturation signals Gluon Saturation signals Gluonic EMC effect Gluonic EMC effect DIS Evolution: Luminosity, Precision DIS Evolution: Luminosity, Precision Open Charm: Vertex Detector Open Charm: Vertex Detector ‘Spectator’ Multiplicities ‘Spectator’ Multiplicities Proton, Neutron, Light fragments, Evaporation Residue ZDC & Far-Forward Spectrometer Proton, Neutron, Light fragments, Evaporation Residue ZDC & Far-Forward Spectrometer Multiplicity tag on current-jet propagation distance: Multiplicity tag on current-jet propagation distance: DPMJetHybrid generator: DPMJetHybrid generator: M. Baker EIC R&D, also Z.Citron Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI7 b~[Q 2 ] –1/2 z~1/[x B M] Low- x B High- x B Deep Exclusive Processes Deep Exclusive Processes 3-D imaging: quark and gluon mass densities vs Charge densities 3-D imaging: quark and gluon mass densities vs Charge densities Gluon Saturation signals Gluon Saturation signals
DIS Hadronic Kinematics: xP+q Maximum hadron momentum vs hadron angle in contours of constant Q 2 or x BjMaximum hadron momentum vs hadron angle in contours of constant Q 2 or x Bj Hadron momentum scales with zHadron momentum scales with z 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI8 e – beam Ion beam
DIS Hadronic Kinematics: xP+q Projected /K PID.Projected /K PID. 2 decades in x B, Q 2.2 decades in x B, Q 2. Kinematic points outside PID region are accessible for z < 1.Kinematic points outside PID region are accessible for z < 1. 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI9
MEIC Central Detector with Dual Solenoid Magnet (Geometrically compatible with 1.5 T CLEO Solenoid) Dual Solenoid in common cryostat 4 m long inner coil Central Field 3 Tesla EMCal Dual RICH Aerogel +CF 4 EM calorimeter EMCal DIRC (top view) central tracker forward tracker Coil wall 10 5 m 3 m TOF HBD CF 4 Coil wall IP Inner EMCal Ions Electron End-Cap: HBD (CF 4 +UV-GEM) or TRD, Aerogel RICH (Modular), TOF(MRPC), EMCal (Shashlyk+ inner PbWO 4 ) RICH (modular) 7 Sept 2015 C. Hyde, POETIC-VI Hcal+ muons e–e– 6 mrad ion out-bend Dipole Si-pixel vertex + disks Ion FFQ1
MEIC Central Detector with Dual Solenoid Magnet (Geometrically compatible with 1.5 T CLEO Solenoid) Dual Solenoid in common cryostat 4 m long inner coil Central Field 3 Tesla EMCal Dual RICH Aerogel +CF 4 EM calorimeter EMCal DIRC (top view) central tracker forward tracker Coil wall 11 5 m 3 m TOF HBD CF 4 Coil wall IP Inner EMCal Ions Barrel Region: DIRC ( K,p to ≤6 GeV/c), TOF(MRPC), EMCal (W or Pb sampling) DIRC ( K,p to ≤6 GeV/c), TOF(MRPC), EMCal (W or Pb sampling) RICH (modular) 7 Sept 2015 C. Hyde, POETIC-VI Hcal+ muons e–e– 6 mrad ion out-bend Dipole Si-pixel vertex + disks
MEIC Central Detector with Dual Solenoid Magnet (Ion End-Cap Detectors) Dual Solenoid in common cryostat 4 m long inner coil Central Field 3 Tesla EMCal Dual RICH Aerogel +CF 4 EM calorimeter EMCal DIRC (top view) central tracker forward tracker Coil wall 12 5 m 3 m TOF HBD CF 4 Coil wall IP Inner EMCal Ions Dual RICH: Aerogel + CF 4 (Out-focussing 1- or 2-bounce mirror)TOF(MRPC), sampling EMCal, Hcal/Muon Tracker (CLEO) Dual RICH: Aerogel + CF 4 (Out-focussing 1- or 2-bounce mirror)TOF(MRPC), sampling EMCal, Hcal/Muon Tracker (CLEO) RICH (modular) 7 Sept 2015 C. Hyde, POETIC-VI Hcal+ muons e–e– 6 mrad ion out-bend Dipole Si-pixel vertex + disks Ion FFQ1
Ion Forward and Far-Forward REgions Forward Dipole (z=5.5m) Forward Dipole (z=5.5m) 2 T-m (scaled to 100GeV/c proton) Flux exclusion for e- Beam Flux exclusion for e- Beam Acceptance 25 < θ ≤ 80 mr (relative to electron axis) > 50cm Tracking space after magnet FFQ triplet acceptance: FFQ triplet acceptance: ± 10 mr horiz, ±14 mr vert, for | p/p|≤ 0.5 25 mrad cone (full opening) line- of sight to ZDC High Dispersion Full Acceptance: 0.5 > | Δ P/P| > or θ IP > 4 mrad 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI13 Forward Dipole 6 mrad bend (P beam ) Ion FFQ Far- Forward Dipole ZDC High-Dispersion Focus Tracking Volume 16 m long
Forward Region (scales to 100 GeV/c incident) 2 Tesla-m Dipole ( z=5.5m) 2 Tesla-m Dipole ( z=5.5m) ( cf. For θ < 80 mrad, Solenoid Bdl < 0.6 T-m) Full Reconstruction of Projectile Fragmentation Full Reconstruction of Projectile Fragmentation High-P T, or Small –x F (low rigidity) Mesons from decay of near exclusive N* NN correlations in heavy nuclei NN correlations in heavy nuclei P T /P || < (1 GeV/c)/(40 GeV/c) = 25 mrad relative to ion-beam < 75 mrad relative to electron axis 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI14 Dipole iFFQ1 Tracking Regions
Far-Forward Spectrometer Deep Virtual Exclusive Processes. Acceptance: Deep Virtual Exclusive Processes. Acceptance: x Bj >0.005, or –t ~ (P T ) 2 > (400 MeV/c) 100 GeV/c Spectator Tagging Spectator Tagging P p ~0.5 P(deuteron), 0.33 P( 3 He), tracking resolution ≈ beam emittance ZDC can achieve 30%/√E n ≈ 4% for spectator neutrons ~ 20 MeV/c longitudinal resolution ~ 10 mm/40 m = 0.25 mrad transverse σ (p T )=12.5 MeV/c P T acceptance for neutrons and protons up to 700 MeV/c Nuclear Fragmentation Nuclear Fragmentation Neutron evaporation, p T ≈ 100 MeV/c θ n ≤ 2.5 mrad Evaporation Residues: Z/A ≠ rigidity of incident nucleus Nuclear disassembly, p T ≈ 200 MeV/c θ n ≤ 5 mrad 3 He fragments from N=Z nuclei have rigidity 4/3 × incident ion Fragment ID from dE/dX 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI15
7 Sept 2015 The Big Questions The Origin of MassThe Origin of Mass L q : Quarks in situ L q,g : Partons at ∞ NN Force & Nuclear Binding C. Hyde, POETIC-VI16
Conclusions Our goal: Design an Accelerator, Interaction point optics, and Detector to optimally provide experimental insight into these challenging questions. Our goal: Design an Accelerator, Interaction point optics, and Detector to optimally provide experimental insight into these challenging questions. Thanks to Zhiwen Zhao and KiJun Park for GEMC detector images and simulations, and P. Nadel-Turonski who could not attend. Thanks to Zhiwen Zhao and KiJun Park for GEMC detector images and simulations, and P. Nadel-Turonski who could not attend. 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI17
Detector Subsystems and R&D Efforts
Modular RICH Compact /k PID p ≤ 10 GeV/cCompact /k PID p ≤ 10 GeV/c Flexible arrangement, can be projective to IPFlexible arrangement, can be projective to IP Final performance simulation : Efficiency and mis-ID VS momentum EIC R&D eRD11 Simulation in GEMC Conceptual Design Fresnel 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI19
Hadron Blind Detector(HBD) compact e/ PID detectorcompact e/ PID detector Blind to hadron <4GeV with CF 4 gas at PHENIXBlind to hadron <4GeV with CF 4 gas at PHENIX Readout Pads e-e- primary ionization HV photo electron Reverse Bias Tom Hemmick 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI20
TOF (MRPC) mRPC TOF C. Williams et al Δ t = t 2 – t 1 = 25 ps σ t = Δ t/√2 = 18 ps Preliminary compact PID detector Flexible arrangement, can be projective to IP and at barrel EIC R&D UIUC eRD14 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI21
mRPC Prototypes Assembled Two MRPCs assembled 22 Close view of glass plates All done at UIUC by eRD10 post-doc Ihnjea Choi
EMCal (Shashlik+Crystal) Projective can help PID performance Projective can help PID performance IHEP, COMPASS Shashlik, D-printed scintillator at W&M EIC R&D eRD14 PbWO 4 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI23 Crystal calo near 180° (electron endcap) compensates lower tracking resolution Crystal calo near 180° (electron endcap) compensates lower tracking resolution Working with Crytur and SICCAS to qualify PbWO 4 production Working with Crytur and SICCAS to qualify PbWO 4 production
GEANT4 DIRC Simulation: Narrow radiator bars grouped to common prism/photosensor array 24 Close-up view of focal image with spherical 3-layer lens (no air gap) Standalone Geant4 simulation –Developed at GSI –Installed at JLab –Can be integrated with various frameworks (GEMC, eicROOT)
DIRC imaging: 3-Layer spherical Lens with Flat Focal Plane 25 The prototype lens was matched to the existing GSI prototype prism –The focal plane can canted to align the sensors with perpendicular to the B-field. In the simulation, a wider prism is used, covering an entire bar box
Full System DIRC Cherenkov Angle Reconstruction 26 The per-track resolution vs track polar angle, for three assumptions of track incidence angular resolution. With a tracker angular resolution of mrad and a sensor pixel size of 2-3 mm, the lens-based EIC DIRC will reach Cherenkov angle resolution close to 1 mrad corresponding to a 3σ π/K separation up to 6 GeV/c. EIC R&D Milestone reached: The feasibility of a high-performance EIC DIRC has been demonstrated and using a compact readout “camera.” Cherenkov angle resolution (for each track) Blue: 1 mrad tracker resolution Red: 0.5 mrad tracker resolution Black: no tracker resolution folded in Geant4 simulation with 2x2 mm pixels 4 GeV/c (BaBar) 5 GeV/c 6 GeV/c 3σ π/K
Single Bounce Dual RICH: Aerogel with Fresnel lens ~75 cm focal length: image at focal point of mirror (also filter UV) Aerogel with Fresnel lens ~75 cm focal length: image at focal point of mirror (also filter UV) CF 4 gas (visible + UV) CF 4 gas (visible + UV) 2 nd mirror to place photo sensors in weaker field? 2 nd mirror to place photo sensors in weaker field? 7 Sept 2015C. Hyde, POETIC-VI27 EMCal TOF DIRC Dipole EMCal TOF In contrast, ePHENIX and BEAST concept have in-focussing mirrors