Isolated Christians Why we withdraw, don’t connect American culture – Expected to take care of ourselves Hurts from Christians I used to trust Fears – Legitimate or illogical Personality – Shy, introverted Feeling I am unique and no one really understands me Embarrassed about marriage, family, finances, etc. Guilt about some struggle with sin – sense of failure Dissatisfaction with Church – People, Decisions… Busy – Absorbed in work, family activities, hobbies Tired and don’t want to put effort into fellowship Disappointed with God because of trials Self-doubt – Disappointed in myself spiritually
Elijah Depressed Hero Elijah’s Timeline (1 Kings 17-19) Major Prophecy fulfilled to King Ahab – Drought Comes God provided Elijah a brook and food delivered by birds. God provided Elijah miraculous oil and flour from widow. God used Elijah to raise widow’s son from dead. Major Showdown with false god Baal – Fire from Heaven Elijah courageously challenges Ahab’s 850 false priests. They can’t call down fire on their sacrifice. Elijah saturates his sacrifice, then calls down fire! Elijah calls on God to make it rain and it does. Major meltdown when Queen Jezebel threatens his life Elijah runs away alone and wants to die!
Elijah’s Resignation Prayer 1. I’ve had enough ◦ Anger – Physically exhausted 2. I want to die ◦ Depression – Emotionally empty 3. I’m no good at this ◦ Spiritually irrational self-doubt
Complaining to God 1. I’ve been zealously doing the right thing. 2. All Israel is doing the wrong thing. 3. I am the only one left who is righteous. 4. They are trying to kill me.
Restoration through Connection Emotional emptiness – Invest time with godly positive, people. Exhaustion – Ask others to help and let them. Spiritual self-doubt – Recognize God’s true call, then accept my limits and join with other’s strengths.