Rules If you answer a question with “yes”, then walk across the room. If you answer a question with “no”, stay where you are. Note the number of people who are standing with you at each answer and how that changes with each question.
QUESTION 1 Do you know what storm water is?
QUESTION 2 Does storm water go to a treatment plant before it gets to the river?
QUESTION 3 Does food waste (like kitchen grease)contaminate storm water?
QUESTION 4 Can sediment runoff kill fish?
April 2012
QUESTION 5 Does 1 person dumping used oil really matter?
1 drop of oil can contaminate 1,000,000 gallons of water
QUESTION 6 Should grass clippings be blown into the street?
QUESTION 7 Can fertilizer and algae really kill fish?
QUESTION 8 Do companies care if they contaminate storm water?
Ask the 90-year-old Columbia Packing Co. just south of Dallas. Oh – you can’t…they CLOSED!
QUESTION 9 Do you care if anyone contaminates storm water?