Roman Keeney, Assistant Professor Learning Tuesday—April 13, 2010 Policy Web Address:
Overview the ACRE payment calculation Identify public access decision-aids USDA’s Farm Service Agency Information ome&subject=dccp&topic=landing ome&subject=dccp&topic=landing Texas A&M/AFPC National ACRE decision aid php php
ACRE enrollment is by FSA farm number Deadline is June 1 Payment basis is the actual planted crops on the farm in a given year Number of program base acres still limit payment base for ACRE ACRE payment is crop specific E.g. you could receive a wheat ACRE payment but have no other crop eligible on the FSA farm
ItemStateFarmDefinition 1ACRE Yield Year Olympic Average 2ACRE Price$ Year Average 3(Adjustments) 4 Pct.90% 5 Ins. Premium$ ACRE REVENUE$597.60$720.50= 1 x 2 x Actual Yield155185Bu/Ac on Planted and Considered Planted 9Actual Price$3.78 National Price 10ACTUAL REVENUE$585.90$699.30= 8 x 9 11Trigger Met?YES = YES if 6 > 10
ACRE payment basis BPMT = State guarantee – State actual ▪ Limit of 25% of the state guarantee Adjustments Base acre reduction (same as DP) ▪ R = 83.3 % of base receives payments (85% in 2012) Farm yield factor based on 5 year olympic averages ▪ F = Farm yield/State yield Payment = F*R*BPMT
Link to FSA ACRE SiteFSA ACRE Site Background information, Fact Sheets Program parameter updates (prices, yields) ▪ Finalized at completion of 2008/2009 crop market yr. Calculator Useful for learning/explaining ACRE Less than ideal as a risk decision aid
Inputs Farm: Acreage, Fixed Payment Yields and Acreage (DP,CCP), Current Planting Historical Yields: (Five years worth for farm and state) Expectations: Yields for farm and state, national market prices
Example price expectations Corn not eligible for ACRE Soybeans and Wheat are eligible for ACRE
State Guarantee = $ State Actual = $ Farm Guarantee = $ Farm Actual = $ Loss on the farm but no payment due to the state guarantee
Just a scenario Usefulness for making my decision depends on how well I can forecast prices
Link to Calculator Link to Calculator Accounting for uncertainty Takes your forecast price and yield Uses historical estimates and your forecast to generate a range of possible prices and yields Randomly draws 500 yield and price combinations Calculates payments 500 times and reports: ▪ ACRE and DCP program payments ▪ Average, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum
Accounting for uncertainty means decision is less sensitive to our skill at forecasting Easy to use interface Web-driven stepwise input sheets Calculations done in background (4 years worth) Save farm data and consider alternative scenarios ▪ Prices, yields, acreage allocations Extensive set of results for comparing DCP and ACRE
60 times out of 500, ACRE has lower payments. 440 times out of 500, ACRE has higher payments.